
What is your life's philosophy that you live by?

by Guest59987  |  earlier

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What is your life's philosophy that you live by?




  1. Life's too short to hold a grudge.

  2. I have two,

    "Ignorance is bliss."

    "Live as if you'll die tomorrow, learn and love as if you'll live forever."

  3. Dont rest on your laurels.

  4. Always look on the bright side.

  5. Do unto others before they do it onto you.

    The one who dies with the most debt wins.

    Everybody should believe in something, I believe I'll have another beer.

  6. Set goals, reach them, live.

  7. Good things come to those who wait.

  8. I'm not dead yet.

  9. do no harm

  10. a master of all is a master of none

  11. MY basic assumptions:

    I am able and also NOT able

    I know and also do NOT know

    I am able to make fun and be depressed

    I am able to be a hero and a coward

    I am able to be honest and dishonest

    I am able to influence others and be influenced by others

    I am able to like  others and dislike others

    I am able to be liked  by others and disliked by others

    Within my possibilities I can explore on my own

    Within my impossibilities I can explore with the help of others

    I need to explore the world I live in together with the other

    At the moment I pretend to know, I stop exploring

    When I stop exploring I have given up on extending my knowledge and abilities

    When I speak about John  or Jane as   an American, a woman, a teacher a .....

    then I am talking about an object and thus about everything except John and Jane

    When I make a person an object, he or she does not "exist" anymore.

    My soul is the core essence of my existence as a unique living being

    My mind is the interconnection with the world around me.

    My body is the carrier of my mind

    I accept being a human being and nothing more or less.

    I accept John and Jane as human beings and nothing more or less

    I accept that I am too limited in my knowledge and capacities to make any statement and  at the same time accept that every John and Jane has and is entitled to his or her own thoughts and beliefs about God, Divinity, Almighty ......

    I have to make MY decisions and never can remove that responsibility and therefor I am responsible for the good and bad things I have done and will do in my life.

    I will never make an object from a human being.

    I respect myself  with all my possibilities and impossibilities

    I respect John and Jane and.....  with all  his and her possibilities and impossibilities

    I reach out to others and accept others to reach out to me

  12. Everything happens for a reason

  13. always be your self always embrace who you are.never worry about what people think because they are nobody in life. always have fun.

  14. try to help others and serve the humanity so far as you can

  15. "the meaning of life is what you make it"

    "let your conscience be your God"

    "let what your looking for find you"

    "success is the best revenge"

    I go by those constantly

  16. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.

  17. Kindness counts.

  18. -Dream like you will live Forever, Live like you will die today

    -I am me

  19. “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

    Then he is not omnipotent.

    Is he able, but not willing?

    Then he is malevolent.

    Is he both able and willing?

    Then whence cometh evil?

    Is he neither able nor willing?

    Then why call him God?”

    Epicurus - Greek philosopher, BC 341-270

    Atheists have been kicking *** since the 3rd century BC.

  20. Although i have read all the answers and i could see that most of them are sounded familiar or close to my own beliefs itself.

         Any way, my philosophy is to keep my philosophy to my self and respect others. why? Because it's not everyone cup of tea, what you believe in is your idea not there's. Secondly, having your own principles and following them, will boost your confidence and moral of others. So, all I am going to say, It's very easy to behave like cave man, but it's takes some lot of effort and clear thinking to own a heart so big and very clear, my motto is keep your conscious clear at all times and you have nothing to worry about, like looking over to your shoulder every two Minuit's, and i believe in peace.

  21. I have several:

    1. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    2. Live your life so that "should have" won't enter your vocabulary later on.

    3. Choose your battles.

  22. smile...everyday.

  23. Live life to the fullest- carpe diem- seize the day... yep, pretty much, as I sit on my *** on the computer answering this, haha, I'm a seizer of the day all right!

  24. Mat 22:36  Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

    Mat 22:37  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

    Mat 22:38  This is the first and great commandment.

    Mat 22:39  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

    Mat 22:40  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.


  25. Never buy a drunk a drink.

    (Loosely translated, don't make the situation any worse than it already is.)

  26. To try to appreciate the good things that I have and not to dwell on the negative which is quite difficult at times.

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