
What is your life like, a jigsaw, maze or a tapestry?

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Enigmata happens

by Jellz Fisher 080809

Pieces of me.

Each word forms

intricate connecting

patterns leading

to bigger picture

Hues and colours


Palette using

strokes broad or

feathered highlight.

Try not to decipher

or anticipate

next placement.

Just enjoy

what you see

coming to life.




  1. This poem sounds like an intro for more to come.  You're doing great - can't wait.

    My life is all of the above - facets mixed, joined, hinged, overlayed, underlayed, melted, fused - all parts of current project under construction ♥

  2. Recalls a song: "I know the pieces fit/ I saw them fall apart..."

  3. i would like to think of mine as; History In the Making.

  4. A maze at first. A jigsaw later. And hopefully a tapestry of memories for others when gone.

    Great third stanza.  On stanza 1 to me either add 'a' after to on L4 or drop 'to'.  Maybe plural on highlight in stanza 2

  5. my life is a baked bean

  6. My life events appear to be so serendipitous. It is really quite interesting how things happen JUST so.

    Rather than try to force an issue, I love sitting back and watching it unfold, naturally.

    I am truely enjoying my trip around the sun.

    But to answer your question in a more direct way.....My life is muti-layered,delicious and sometimes down-right exciting.....Juuuuust like a quadrupled -layered SURPRISE DESERT.

    P.S. I JUST read your poem. VERY good, Jam.

  7. J, if any poem ever described you, this is it.  Stunning third stanza.

    I know I'm not alone in saying we always enjoy what you bring to our lives.

  8. my life was a jig saw, with a few pieces missing, now its a maze, but i can see the tapestry at the end of the tunnel!

  9. Mine is a jigsaw puzzle pieces falling into places.

  10. Is this what they call a pop quiz?

    Actually, prior to coffee, not much!

    Good one!

  11. Uhhhhhhhh...Mine is closer to a soup sandwich

  12. I like it. It flows nicely

  13. i love this part

    Pieces of me.

    Each word forms

    intricate connecting

    patterns leading

    to bigger picture

    very artistic keep writing  

  14. I like to think that life is like a Maze;- after many twists and turns you finally reach peace and tranquility.

  15. I can't really enjoy my's hard! haaha...but ur poem's nice, though.....but try to make it deeper......

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