
What is your main philosophy?

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What is your main philosophy?




  1. I don't know if I have one main one. Some schools of philosophy that influence me are pragmatism, utilitarianism, Epicureanism, analytic philosophy, power analytics (Foucault and Nietzsche), phenomenology, virtue ethics, leftist communitarianism, and forms of anarchism.  

  2. Live by and for your own means and purposes.  All greatness, good or evil, ever borne from this world, was conceived and implemented by and for its own power.  I shall never live for another man's life, nor will I ask him to live for mine.

  3. Find inner strength from outer vulnerability.

  4. A combination of secular realism and Leveian Satanism.

  5. That everything humans do is for survival

  6. Don't take the world too seriously, don't be afraid to laugh at yourself, sometimes the simplest things are the best, don't waste your time looking for happiness when you already have it, there is no problem you can't solve (including the conclusion there is no answer) by staring into a fire, and there is nothing more soothing than snuggling a Saint Bernard.

  7. Life is a Drink*.

    : )

  8. Kindness when possible and strength when it's not.  

  9. keep it real

  10. My philosophy and I'm proud of it:)

    Better to be weird/geeky about something than normal because normal is boring.

  11. To share unconditional love and acceptance with integrity and wisdom.

    God bless you.

  12. when you dont like the system, rise against it. :)

  13. Perhaps we all have a destiny in this life. That destiny is to choose what your destiny may become.

    in a sense, we all have a destiny while floating around aimlessly... Like in Forrest Gump. that's a good movie to find philosophy.

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