
What is your meaning of life?

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What is your meaning of life?




  1. To live and let live. And to enjoy it. Of course.

  2. 42.

  3. To make the best of time here. Learn as much as I can and find the one thing everyone wants and needs~~~~Happiness

  4. to find and be happy forvever,

    to achieve all my life goals

    to be successfull, weathly and healthy

    to be in love and to be loved in return,

    to travel

    to experience the most of it life

  5. Your born,  You die.  Everything else is filler

  6. To live it the way i exactly want it.

  7. Have fun


  8. finding ways to be happy

  9. Life is meant to be lived. Period.

  10. Ta live my life for God, whatever that may be.

  11. Whatever you want it to be.

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