
What is your mission statement in life? ?

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What is your mission statement in life? ?




  1. don't die yet?

  2. good question

  3. To pass on my spiritual awareness to others so they may know what lies ahead and can prepare for the next life.

  4. to be a grumpy old man,  

    when i get called a grumpy old man by some kid that thinks he knows something, it makes me fee like my mission is complete.

  5. to get wise and some times high.

  6. This is good. Next. This is good. Next. This is good. Next. ....

  7. "better to live for something rather than die for nothing...."

  8. dont do today what you can put off until tomorrow

  9. enjoy all that LIFE the moment, daily with a smile...

  10. Spending the most of my life as I can happy/content and helping people around me feel that way as well.

  11. Life everyday as if it's your last, with no regrets.

  12. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

    - from the Westminster Shorter Catechism

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