
What is your morning beverage? I love coffe and orange juice.?

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What's wrong with grapefruit juice why does it get a bad wrap, is it bad for your liver?




  1. Black coffe and pink grapefruit juice

    I have no idea why grapefruit juice gets a bad rap. Sadly it seems like we've developed a culture of people that are actually afraid of good healthy wholesome food

  2. Tea . HOT.  Earl Grey, as Captain Picard Likes to say!

    and don't forget the 4 heaping teaspoons of sugar!!!!

    (hey, it's a large mug!  and I am NOT a morning person!)

    I need a JUMP start to my mornings......or the engine just doesn't  turn over!!!!

  3. no,grapefruit juice is great 4 fat loss,i prefer chocolate milk

  4. Usually coffee and water, sometimes oj or pink grapefruit juice. Grapefruit juice tends to be a bit bitter, so that's probably why some people dont like it. It's not bad for your liver. I don't know where you heard that.

  5. Love a cup of tea in the morning.  Has to be a hot drink for me.  Even coffee or hot chocolate.

    Also pure orange or apple juice if we have any.

  6. coffe or tea

  7. lol sounds good! i either have coffee or milk because i like pancakes, waffles, toast, cinnamon toast, cereal, etc. with milk and/or coffee. it all sounds so good right now.

  8. I usually drink  hot chocolate in the morning

    ...or any hot beverages

    I am not sure about the side effects of grape juice but since I have hyperacidity/ upset stomach. I avoid fruit juices or any cold drinks and too much coffee and tea.

  9. Coffee and lots of it

  10. My morning drink is Coke... Don't know about grapefruit juice, except that it's bitter and the acidity annoys my stomach

  11. I love flavored coffees.

    I can't have grapefruit because of a medication that I'm on; it counter-acts.

  12. First thing I do when I get up is drink 2 glasses of water. Later when having breakfast I will have a glass of milk and a cup of green tea.

    The only thing I know about grapefruit juice is that it is good for people wanting to loose weight. I have not heard anything else about it good or bad. But then I have never really looked into it that much either.

  13. pacific rim beans in latte

  14. i like koolaid and sometimes if my mom buys it a frappachino.

    mayb pplz dont like grapefruit juice cuz it tastes nasty?

  15. Large glass of water


    * One orange contains about 50mg of vitamin C. That is about 2/3 of our daily need.

    * Fresh, homemade orange juice is an excellent source of calcium.


    * Oranges (2 Per 8-oz. Serving)

    * Drinking Glasses

    * Juicers (optional)

    * Paring Knives

    * Slotted Spoons (for Added Pulp)

    * Strainers (for Less Pulp)


    Begin by tightly squeezing oranges repeatedly to soften them.

    Wash thoroughly, cut into halves and remove seeds.

    Proceed to step 11 if using a juicer.

    Carefully cut circularly around the edge of an orange half, slightly separating the fruit and peel.

    Grip the orange half tightly and squeeze directly into a glass or serving pitcher.

    Continue squeezing and periodically rotating the orange in your hand until liquid is no longer produced.

    Scrape the orange with a spoon and add fruit directly to the juice for additional pulp.

    Put the juice through a strainer for less pulp.

    Repeat with the other orange halves.

    Serve and enjoy.

    Follow specific machine instructions on loading and juicing oranges if using a juicer.


    * It would take about 5 oranges squeezed to make even a juice glass full of orange juice.

    * A juicer will allow you to get all the juice of the orange out and an electric one is recommended.

    * It is best to squeeze and drink immediately, but if you do not have the time in the morning to cut and squeeze oranges, then prepare it at night,put in a tightly sealed jar and enjoy in the morning.

    * Use the skins of the orange to clean out the garbage disposal. Just put one or two in the disposal and put the disposal on an your skin will smell sweet as an orange.

  17. coffee, oj or chocolate milk, i am very strange.

  18. Chocolate milk, milk, orange juice, water, Grape juice, cran berry juice, apple juice, tea and hot chocolate.

  19. My morning beverage is a diet coke!  I know, I know I'm trying to quit!   I promise by the end of next week I'll give it up entirely!

    I love coffee too but it is really hard on the kidneys---make sure you drink a lot of water to balance it out!

    I like orange juice in my smoothies---just a little.  I usually eat an orange instead of orange juice.  I guess we are only supposed to have a half glass of orange juice as that is a lot of oranges going into 1 cup of juice!

    Regarding grapefruit juice------it has an effect on certain types of medicines,  like Prozac, heart and some diabetes medicines, it makes them work too well---speeds up the absorption  process.

    I drink grapefruit juice three times a week ----by itself-----as a cleaner of sorts.   Many people mention is hard on their stomach, but it's good for cleaning the colon.  Or so I've read.

    I think the grapefruit has its purpose here on earth----or God would not have put it here.

  20. coffee and OJ.  also water.  the one thing i won't drink is milk.

  21. No matter the season, I always like to wake up with a cup of hot tea. I prefer something sweet in the morning like a Vanilla Hazelnut Tea to start off the day right! Linda for Bigelow

  22. Hot tea at home,Coffee at work

    Grapefruit juice is too bitter

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