
What is your morning routine before work to get you going for the day?

by  |  earlier

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there are those who get up as late as possible, drag themselves to the shower, and eventually wake up in the car when they nearly take out by a motorbike rider... and stumble into work with coffee on the mind..

then there are the self disciplined people who get up and manage to have a pep in their step! this question, is for you!

what do you do? how do you start your day? what gets you going?




  1. Heres my schedule on mornings when I have school:

    5:50- Drag my self out of bed, hit the snooze button once or twice

    6:00- Finally get out of my warm comfy bed

    6:01- Turn on the computer

    6:02- Pee

    6:05- Check my e-mail

    6:15- Pick out outfit, then change my mind and pick out a new one....

    6:20- Take a shower

    6:37- Get dressed

    6:40- Blow dry my hair

    6:55- Straighten hair

    7:10- Makeup

    7:15- Eat breakfast and turn on the TV

    7:35- Brush teeth

    7:40- Perfume

    7:42- Jewlery

    7:45- Grab stuff for school and put on jacket

    7:50- Put on shoes

    7:55- Get out the door

    8:00- Catch the bus

    Usally I am late.... and I never have done this schedule perfectly.......

    And my hot shower pretty much always wakes me up and when I turn on my light I'm blinded and dizzy for like a minute then my eyes get used to the light....thats usally what wake me up in mornings and my cup of coffee while I'm checking my mail..... Hope I helped!


  2. I get up take a hottttt shower get dressed an have a cup of coffee, then I fix my hair an do my makeup, another cup of coffee an by this time I'm well awake but then grab another cup of coffee as I start out the door!! And, I'm good the rest of the day!!

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