
What is your morning routine for school?

by Guest60438  |  earlier

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here's mine:

wake up at 6.

put in contacts.


put on clothes.

dry hair.

foundation, eyeliner.

breakfast [my mom makes me smoothie or toast or bagel :) ]

make sure i have everything for school.

then i get on the bus at 6:55.

what is yours?




  1. wake up at 6:30

    wash face

    brush teeth

    put on clothes

    lounge around( i take my showers at night)

    lounge around some more(i don't wear make up)

    breakfast cereal

    head for the bus stop and haft way there i turn back because i forgot something.

    wait for the bus 7:38

  2. Wake up at 5:30

    wash face, brush teeth

    put on some eye shadow, liner, mascara, lip stick,

    put on some clothes

    run out the door for the bus  

  3. i'm in college, so my classes this semester are a little later in the morning.

    8am- Wake up, turn morning playlist on, and pick out my clothes while having a glass of water

    8:15am- Shower, wash face, brush teeth and put on lotion

    8:30am- Get halfway dressed, put on robe and blow-dry hair(either i do it straight and use the nozzle or i use a diffuser to make it wavy)

    9:15am- Finish getting dressed, put change of clothes(for dance/workout period) in gymbag and find books for the day

    9:30am- Do makeup: foundation primer, foundation/tinted moisturizer, blush, translucent powder, highlighter on cheeks for that dewy glow, some eyeliner or eyeshadow, mascara, and lipgloss

    9:40am- Eat a quick breakfast, go over schedule for the day, and put books in my purse/bag

    10am- Check email and have coffee

    10:15am- Classes start

    It takes a long time, cause i just sit in my room and take my time with things so the times vary but generally, this is what I do in the morning

  4. get up at 7

    Put on uniform

    Pack bag

    Eat breakfast

    Brush teeth

    Hang around watching tv for a while

    leave at about 8:20 to catch the bus.

  5. OMG pretty much the same except for the drying hair part...instead of doing that i just make my own breakfast. O and i try my best to get my bags together before i go to bed. But you move pretty quick all of that in only 55 minutes great

  6. - wake up at 6:15.

    - lay on the couch and watch TV until 6:30.

    - put in contacts, brush teeth, fix hair, and get dressed until 6:50

    - put on tinted moisturizer, creme blush, mascara, and lipgloss until 7

    - make sure everything looks ok and han out until 7:15

    - drive to bus stop

    - get on bus at 7:26

  7. wake up at 6 30

    take a shower

    put on clothes

    eat breakfast

    brush teeth

    dry hair

    straighten or style...whatever i wanna do

    foundation, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow

    get all the c**p i need for school

    get driven to school around 8:05

  8. wake up at 6:30


    pick out clothes

    hair and makeup

    and then maybe eat if i have time


    oh and brush teeth lol

  9. wake up around 6

    go to the bathroom-brush teeth

    straighten hair

    put in contacts

    put on makeup

    get dressed

    get my bag

    go downstairs, get lunch grab a banana or something

    run to the car and go to school at 7:35

    im always late..

  10. -wake up at seven (ive showered the night before cause my hair takes hours to dry)

    -go on the computer for ten minutes

    -wake my little brother up

    -get dressed

    -brush hair

    -put on contacts

    -eat and watch tv

    -brush teeth, floss etc.

    -walk my brother to the bus stop then walk to school

  11. wake up at 6:45

    Rush to put on eyeliner, comb my hair, get dressed

    cereal for breakfast

    run out the door at 7

    (i shower at night not in the morning)

  12. wake up at 6:30.



    brush teeth.

    blowdry/straighten hair.


    chill for a bit/do any homework i didn't do.

    walk to school.


  13. Well my usual "routine" is me starting to get up at about 8:00-8:15 and going 5 more minutes, 10 more minutes I swear.... oh f*ck I'm gonna be late, getting up at 8:45 when I have to be at school at 9:00 jumping out of bed into clothes and running out the door with a toothbrush in my mouth and some days something caffeinated, I have contacts but there just in my bag and I only wear them in absolute desperate situations.

    But I just about lost credits from lates last year and I need my time without human interaction first thing in the morning. So heres my plan for the first day

    7:00-7:05 Wake up brush teeth/turn on coffee maker

    7:05-7:15 Shower change to robe

    7:15-7:20 Grab something to eat

    7:20-7:30 Get dressed/Eat Breakfast

    7:30-8:30 Veg/computer/sit in silence etc. (Quiet)

    8:30-8:40 Brush teeth

    8:45-8:55 Walk to school

    9-3:30 School

    I shower the night before and thats where I wash my hair I have curly hair that takes forever to comb out, In the morning I just use body and face wash (morning burst to help wake me up) and I need to brush my teeth before otherwise I feel gross after the shower. Me getting up and starting my day with human interaction without some w/e alone time is like putting your hand on an electric element 10 seconds after you're done cooking. I'm a HORRIBLE morning person.

  14. wake up get dressed

    eat breakfast

    pack my lunch

    brush and do my hair

    brush my teeth

    put my shoes on

    leave for school

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