
What is your most biggest pet peeve?

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I know we all have many, but my biggest pet peeve is when you're walking on a sidewalk and there are people approaching you. Instead of them moving over so that you will have room to walk past, they walk side by side until there nearly is a body collision before they move out of the way. Ugh!!! That urks me soooo bad!!




  1. People who talk loudly on their cell phone. Yesterday during lunch at  a restaurant I heard all about "auntie Sophi's  gastrointestianl problems and her colonoscopy" LOL. I didn't need to hear this while I had my pizza and salad, thank you very much.

  2. People who litter.

  3. When people talk and they say myself instead of me in a sentence...example...there was myself, John, Sue and Mark at the party.  

    It just drives me absolutely freaking nuts.

  4. chewing with your mouth open.. i mean, who needs to see that? lol

  5. People who are too anal (Hello, Hai! You have to remove sections individually anyway).

  6. When people take my stuff without asking and when no one will cooperate

  7. foam coming out of a box! It makes my arms feel weird with the sound it makes!

  8. We get the daily local newspaper where I work & it consists of 4 sections.  I hate when people look at the paper & leave it in disaray!!  Be considerate enough to put it back in order for the next person that wants to enjoy their cup of joe & read the paper on their break!

  9. Life's too short to sweat the small stuff, and honey, it's almost always small stuff....

  10. My pet peeve are the countless morons in yahoo answers who write like retards. Not only do the show they have a complete lack of education, but don't care. This is the future of our country and it's scary.

  11. When i say a sentence to a person and they give a uninterested one word answer like.... oh or cool. That ticks me off because you would expect them to say something back.

    One more thing is when someone has a sucker or jolly rancher in their mouth and they are sucking it like it is the end of the world and that candy will disappear from there mouth any second. This ticks me off because of the noise. Imagine taking a Math test and the dude next to you is making slurping noises.

  12. My biggest pet peeve are the pigs that throw their trash out the window to land in my yard, my creek and my neighborhood. Nothing says "I am a useless human (?) with no redeeming social value like throwing trash out your car window, and I have no respect for myself or others, am poorly educated and just plain stupid and ignorant of my filth and the impact it has on others!" like being such a selfish, filthy, disrespectful, raised by pigs moron like throwing your trash in places it doesn't belong. I have literally, been mowing and seen these buggers drive by and hurl their trash bags, cups from McD's, wrappers, cig packs, beer bottles and the like, out the windows of their trucks and into the creek. Why? No clue, but obviously, they have NO UPBRINGING and are unfit for polite society! I say STRING THEM UP! Thanks for letting me VENT! LOL!

  13. People who only point out the negative things in life.

    Mkay, but I'm like a legal optimist. I honest to goodness will *never find* anything wrong in a situation, given any. I'm not like 12 either, I'm sixteen, and I know that negative things exist. I just hate when people only focus on those negative things. I didn't mean you. I meant other people.

    Lol, it's okay. I don't care. Not a pessimist, remember? =]

  14. when people post up videos of themselves on youtube, lip synching to a song when they dont even know the freakin words!!! and the sad thing is that i watch it im so weird. i have so many pet peeves but this is one of em :D

  15. slow drivers. espeicallu when they pull out in front of you and creep along and then you get stuck at a red light because they take so long

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