
What is your most embarrassing horse ridding moment?

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What is your most embarrassing horse ridding moment?




  1. My soph year of college, I had riding lessons before one of my classes early in the morning.. I had been thrown off by a horse an landed in a huge mud puddle... I didnt have time to change before class so I had to go to class being a muddy mess (it was through my hair and all down my whole right side)... but the professor did feel bad an didnt make me stay for class lol... so I guess it was worth a little embarrassment.

  2. Okayy it was past this last winter and i was leasing this horse named doc and i was with my friend and we were riding around and we decide to do this kewl tricks and were bareback with halters with no hands so i took it to the next level and decide to canter back ward and when i did i couldn't stop the horse! so i was on this bouncing horse and finally i just fell to the ground and of course the horse stopped right away and looked at me lik idiot and my Friend just stood there laughing and didn't even help me up! lol but i was fine with a sore but. but i just walked funny for a couple days lol :D

  3. man...i have so many. my most recent one was monday. my riding instructor was bragging on me, and she told me to show them my canter. i lost my outside stirrup so i was thrown off balance. i couldn't get him to stop because i had clamped on with my legs to stay on. he is a dressage horse so since i was pulling back and sqeezing him at the canter he started piaffing. i couldn't turn into the middle because a little boy and his pony were watching me in there. my horse turned and spooked the little pony who ran away from the little boy. i finally fell off. tres tres embarrassing.

  4. Having to do an emergency dismount on a mule that has saddle fears from a lifetime of poor saddle fitting.  So on trails.. his tension just builds and builds.   He is mainly just driven on trails anymore.

    So my trail mule also had some saddle fitting issues, and unable to be ridden at that time, so I pulled Stretch out of saddle retirement to just go out behind the barn with my son and a guy friend.

    Stretch just was beside himself and the farther we got the farther he was getting wound up.  After a few bucks and blowups, I could tell it was getting the point I was going to get hurt so I bailed off him at a high rate of speed and hung my bra on the saddle horn.

    Stretch is 15.2 and my feet weren't touching the ground and I was appearing to be on a bungee cord from the rear.  So my son and my guy friend saw everythingggggggg..   Thank God Stretch stood still while this charade was going on.  No matter how much I tried to jump to unlodge myself, it wasn't enough.  Finally the saddle rolled to the side and i was able to get myself put back together.  The bra doesn't fit anymore!!

  5. I was about 17 and at one of my first horse shows with my quarter/Morgan cross.  I was doing beginner rider 2' jumping.  At one of the jumps we came up to it weird and he slammed on the brakes.  Once I flew over his head, landing on the jump and knocking it down completely, he took off in a victory gallop around the arena.  It took 3 people 10 mins to catch him.  The only thing hurt was my pride!

  6. my dad was giving me a leg up on my horse and threw me over the other side!

  7. It was a ROASTING summers day over here in Ireland and I was wearing a strappy top trying to work on my tan as I rode out - we decided to go for a gallop on the last stretch home - and I was so engrossed in feeling the breeze on my face and the power of the horse under me, I didnt realise my bra had popped open - and my rather big b***s had worked their way out the top of my tank top - i couldnt understand why the lads were grinning at me whilst they waited for me at the top of the field until I looked down and saw my left boob hanging out over one side of the top!!! Shame - I never felt anything like it since!!


  8. I have a few. xD

    Well, when I first started riding, I would canter, and my back would like jiggle, and so it would be so bad, my trainer started to call it 'the Emily' and she uses it to this day.

    This is my by far most embrassing moment to me. I was out in the pasture with some of my riding classmates, and we were doing an unmounted lesson, so we were talking about size, colour, ect. So we were in the pony paddock, and this one boarder pony came up to me, and put his head up next to mine, I pushed him away, he came back, I didn't noticed, and he CHOMPED down on my cheek. Needless to say, I was in tears. xD I had a bruise on my cheek and it hurt for about a week. ANd I kind of have a scar now, that's my 'pony hickey.'

    I was riding one horse named Arrow, he's a pony, I love Arrow to death, so one day, we were cantering up this hill that we have at hte stable, and of course, comes this really cute, older guy, mind you I was 11, and guys had suddenly come out, and it's like. "OMG CUTE." so, I wanted to show off a little bit, and I dropped my reins on Arrow, Arrow got spooked, and decided to buck me off, granted, I got thrown off, and I landed RIGHT NEXT TO a thing of horse p**p. The guy just laughed and helped me up. I was an embarrassed little thing.

    One more. :]

    I was riding hte current horse I ride Sunshine, he had a bucking problem for a while in the winter, they weren't really bucks but little like hops with his back feet, my cousin was watching me, and I was rather nervous, so Sunshine must have felt it, and he started to actually BUCK like a mad horse, I sat it out, but I was in tears afterwards, because I didn't know what happened.

    I'm a very sensitve person, so things effect me majorly. xD

  9. I was at a local show one time, when this happened. These two things happened. I was using a mounting block to get on this 16 hand mare. Anyway as I was swinging my leg, I fell off the box right in front of everyone, that was embarrassing.

    Then later it was time for a break. I went to dismount but my button shirt was a bit to big. When I leaned over my shirt got caught on the saddle horn, and I dismounted except I was hanging from the side of the horse, with my shirt stuck. What made it more embarrassing was the fact that the mare started to walk about and I was being dragged.

  10. The pony fell and I done a somersault over his head. The crop was upright in the sand LOL. It had been raining and luckily for the pony he didn't land in the puddle instead guess who did?! Then I had to walk around the yard and it looked like I had wet myself(only my jodphurs were wet) and I had new clients looking and then frowning at me! That barn had at least 50 new clients every day!! LOL It was funny though because at least I know that my fave pony there(Midnight) didn't do it on purpose and I just gave sweet innocent smiles to all the new clients. Still makes me laugh.

    Charlotte x

  11. once i was adjusting my stirrup and my pony farted and spooked at his own f**t. i nearly fell off!

  12. I was at pony club and realised that I hadnt done my horse's noseband up, instead of getting off to do it up I thought I'd show off in front of a few of the other girls brothers and just leant down one side of his neck to do it when my sister rode up next to me and told me to get off and do it and gave me a bit of a shove. Of course I went face first into the dust didnt I! lol

  13. I got bucked off some young green horse named Larry once.  I was in full chaps, and unbeknowst to me, in the process of falling my jeans split along the top of the chaps (right below one of my butt cheeks) and I got back on and kept riding, felt a draft, but didn't think much of it.  It wasn't until my lesson was over that I realized I'd been riding with my butt and underwear showing all that time :\

  14. SOOOO funny, some of these.

    Mine is very similar to Pamela's - I was 15, was riding my Welsh pony on the beach, and was going past the only public part of the beach, which was fairly crowded - galloping through the low-tide flats - well,unbeknownst to me, the top button of my oxford shirt had come undone, and my left boob had  popped out.   To make matters worse, the area at which this occured had an overlook there, with fixed binoculars in which people could put a dime and scan the horizon for ships and what not - - well, more often than not, the people availing themselves of the binoculars were construction workers on break and the whatnot they were scanning were the chicks sunbathing on the beach below.  Anyway, when I pulled up, I realized my  "wardrobe malfunction"   ( a la Janet Jackson, but UNintentional)  and was mortified.  All I could imagine was those tourists and construction workers seeing this kid galloping down the beach, hair flowing, boob bouncing.   The incident made for a long day, as I hung out for a rather long time around the bend, hoping anyone who had witnessed this event would be long gone when I had to pass by that part of the beach again, in order to get back home.  

    ADDED  Oh my gosh.  Some of these  are just too funny, I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes - - going to print these out so I can reread them when I need a  good laugh.  Hope they keep coming in.

  15. lol, when I first began riding I over mounted my horse and fell off the other side lol, and then my horse Missy just looked down at me and sighed without buding lol. And then another time, I just tried cantering then fell off because I got thrown off balance, it was embarassing because it was in front of a whole heap of experienced horsey people :P but bith times i just got back up and laughed about it :).

  16. I was about fifteen and going through the really starting to like boys stage.  Anyway this day i was riding on the beach with my sister and these two adorable, blonde beach babe guys were fishing.  So i decided to show off and have a canter past them, to my horror, Billy our old welsh cob gelding(who sadly is no longer with us, miss him) decided now was the perfect time to f**t, very loud and very long in time to the canter.  Needless to say i kept cantering, and didn't go back till they left.  

  17. At my sister in-laws, and used to ride a 15.2 QH for yrs, started riding my new arabian mare she was 14.2 and let me tell you that few inches makes a big diff, I put my foot in the stirrup, jump up, threw my leg over, and keep going!  LOL  never touched the saddle, didn't need the extra push to get up on her:)  Funny, and thank goodness she just looked at me with the look of what in the world....

  18. Well mine aren't as good as others but here goes.

    I was dawdling around in a field on my horse when the guy I was riding with decided he wanted a full gallop on his horse, at this time I couldn't canter well, so my horse automatically took off as well. I was caught by surprise so I ended up being booted out of the saddle (it was an all purpose) and landed on my horses neck. The other guy stopped and was just laughing at me trying to stop this horse from on his neck. Luckly I was able to push myself back and pull him up... But I wish I had that on film.

    Another time my friend and I were cantering up a hill when both our horses spooked at a big grass tuft on the track, my friends horse went around it but mine stopped, mid canter and then took off cantering again about 2 seconds later, I was taken aback by his sudden start again that I come sliding down the back of him. He is quiet so he diddnt mind, but I was rather bewildered by it.

  19. I was riding with a friend and her mare was in season.

    We stopped at a junction and there was a car behind us, as we waited for the traffic to clear so we could cross the road my horse touched the mare on the neck with his nose - she squealed and squirted all over the bonnet of the car behind us.

    At that moment the traffic cleared and we trotted off.

  20. This wasn't MY moment, but it's funny so I had to share:

    A girl at my barn was mounting her horse at a horse show. She was a little too close to a 4-prong tack hook that was hanging outside the tack stall. She got on, the horse walked off, and she was left hanging by her collar from the hook!!! Luckily the shirt ripped and she wasn't hurt. We laughed about that one for months! She still has the nickname "Hooker" :)

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