
What is your most embarrassing moment with your kids?

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Example: Me and my daughter were walking down the street and no one was around and I had to pass gas( everyone does it ) so a minute or so later a woman is walking down that street and says hello to us. The first thing out of my daughters mouth is my mommy just farted?

Tell me your story we all need to laugh..




  1. I have many with my son, the kid will talk to anyone about anything.  He announces to everyone within ear shot how old I am, tells personal things just out of the blue to strangers.

    The other day we were in Wal Mart and he went up to an elderly lady and asked her if she had any little kids.  She politely engaged him in conversation and told him that she didnt have any kids.  He then touched her arm and told her in a comforting voice....."Thats ok, you can keep trying".  My jaw bought dropped to the floor because I know I havent really taught him how babies are made and what constituted the trying to have them part lol.  The lady got a huge kick out of it and just started laughing her way down the rest of the aisle.  

  2. My coworkers kid came into the office one day, and said, "My mom says you don't like her but she doesn't care cuz she doesn't like you either." Her mom was standing right there, it was really awkward. I am sure embarassing for her as well.

  3. Lol that is so funny. My daughter just turned a year so I haven't had too many embarrassing moments. But so far she has burped like a man in a quiet doctors office, everyone turned a laughed. Second time is when we were walking into the mall and I noticed a few men turning and looking at me. I looked down and my bra was showing because my daughter pulled it down. Lol.  

  4. OMG same thing with my daughter....God forbid I pass gas and she will say, "Mommy u p**p? Then she'll check down the back of my pants like I have on a diaper. She does it to her dad too lolol

    I'm 24 weeks pregnant so it happens pretty often....shameful!!

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