
What is your most favourite ancient civilisation?

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I have two: Ancient Egyptians and Romans.




  1. Ancient Hebrews.  

  2. The Ancient Arabs. They invented Algebra (Al-Jabr in Arab).

  3. Yeah, me too-- I love the culture and history of the ancient Egyptians.  

  4. Romans and the Vikings

  5. Ancient Egypt is the one I find the most fascinating of all, though the others are all interesting too, and since I live in England, I get more opportunity to see Roman remains than Egyptian ones!

  6. The ancient Hebrews. What an impact this small group of (originally) nomads has had on history!

  7. Picts and Celts.

  8. Egyptians, Sumerians and Babylonians. These guys gave birth to "civilization".

  9. ancient Greece and Phoenicia  

  10. I also have two~

    the Romans, Julius Caesar the greatest general the world has known accomplished so many things like conquering Gaul fighting on the front lines shouting words of encouragement to his men "cowards die a thousand deaths , the valiant taste of death but once" incredibly inspiring. He would have done so much more if had not been assassinated on the Idles of March also, his loyal chief lieutenant Mark Anthony and their stories of friendship on and off the battle field , of course how he was murdered by someone he considered his friend Brutus its just all fascinating.

    And the civilization from whom the Romans copied their weapons and fighting strategy, the Spartiates and their famous battle at Thermopylae with Xerxes in which the legendary King Leonidas fought against the overwhelming hoards of slaves of the Persian empire to save Greek civilization.

  11. My favorite would have to be the Greeks. They were the fathers of so many things (geometry, philosophy, etc).

  12. Native American, specifically Iriquois

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