
What is your most hated household chore?

by Guest61246  |  earlier

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I refuse to empty the bin, it makes me dry heave.

also, I cant stand ironing - I NEVER iron my clothes!! just hang them up and let the creases fall out. i dont look a scruff though!




  1. I loathe ironing too, so pointless. I think ironing was invented by men in the middle ages to keep their women busy and give them something to take their minds off s*x while the men were off fighting at the Crusades.

    I once had so many cobwebs under my ironing board I put it outside upside down to wash them off in the rain and it went rusty lol. I ended up buying a new one which I have used precisely twice in the past year.  

  2. I dont iron neither,lol. i hate dusting and cleaning the kitchen.

  3. I HATE doing dishes. So my roomate and I have a deal that he does the dishes most of the time and I do other kitchen chores like mopping hte floor or cleaning out the reifridgerator.

    I HATE sponges! iew!

    Also, I get away with not ever ironing- you just have to buy clothes that don't wrinkle. And about the trash, if you ever have to be the one to take out the trash, then try using thicker bags- the ones with drawstrings might work better for you.

    -->and you may want to ask yourself what you are throwing away that stinks so bad? The trash in our household doens't even stink after sitting for a week before we take it out...

  4. i dont like painting around toilets.

    its a pain in the badonkadonk.


  5. Laundry, I agree ironing sucks and I do not do it!

  6. I hate ironing also and don't see the reason to iron clothes you're just going to "squash" in a closet!  But more than ironing, I hate vacuuming!

    No matter how they've tried, no company has come up with a vacuum yet that doesn't break my back!

  7. I hate doing dishes, I was the youngest of 12 childern and had to do the dishes a lot... by hand... I still hate it.

  8. For me it is cleaning the oven and the bathrooms.  

  9. Cleaning up the dog poo in the back yard.

  10. Dusting, or maybe folding the whites.  I have four boys all those socks...

  11. I dont iron either! NEVER! Not even for my man or my kids, luckily its summer so hanging clothes outside means they barely crease but in the winter i tumble dry then hang up!

    I hate dishes too, i dont mind at the start its when the water goes all manky i hate it- especially when there is floaty bits... gads!!

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