
What is your most hated question that people ask you continually?

by  |  earlier

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I get asked daily the same question by parents, parents in law, taxi drivers, jst everybody. That question is "Are you not working today??? I then have to explain that I work 2 1/2 days per week and nothing more. This then leads to other questions such as why? I then have to explain that I earn a full weeks nurses pay in 2 1/2 days at my new company. I hate it that this is every day now. I feellike pinning my rota to my chest to shut them up. What is your most annoying question asked frequently?




  1. " What happened to your pinky finger?"

    I get asked this every time I meet someone new and I am tired of it.  I had an accident as a child involving a pencil (bamboo treatment) and my parents not taking me to the doctor until my finger had more than tripled in size.  as a result it is slightly disfigured.  

    I used to care about it how it looked.  But now that I am older and wiser, I am so happy that I still have my finger at all.

  2. just give them a copy of your schedule


    ughh, its are you deaf or something ?!

  4. Are you in the office?

    I work in my home.  I telework. Of course I am in my office. I am not in "THE office" because I do not have real estate in THE office.  My office is at home.   My response is: "Yes, I am in MY office."

    It is very frustrating to deal with people with the attitude that if you work in your home, you really don't do anything.  I work 9-14 hrs a day with my primary career and run a web company on the side in all of my free time.    

  5. There's this guy that keeps IMing me asking if i work today because he does, so i'll ask what time, and if he says he unfortunately works the same shift as me [i can't stand him], then i ignore the IM. and he'll keep sending more and more like do you work any of those times? when do you work? what are your hours? when do you work next?

    even if i ignore every IM.

    and if it gets so obscene to the point where hes written "are you working then" like five times, i'll go offline.

    in which case, he will IM me the second i go back online, or if i don't go back online, he will text me.

    you think he would get the hint already that i don't want him knowing when i work, and that i don't want to see him.


  6. Well, my mom just passed away a few weeks ago, and I'm kind of getting tired of, "how are you holding up?"  I know people MEAN well, but how do you THINK I'm doing?  

  7. " are you ok?" that is the question I hate most,especially when people just ask to ask and don;t really care at all

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