
What is your most memorable and precious moments in your whole life?

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you should be more realistic because I want it to apply in my life.




  1. Finding someone & something that I thought was forever lost to me.

    Back in the 60's, when I was 16 and unmarried, I gave up my baby for adoption, thinking the one time I held her would be the only time.  37 years later, she found me.  During that reunion when I held her the 2nd time in my life, it healed a wound that ran deep within me, a wound that up until that moment, I denied was there. Reuniting with my daughter restored my ability to love openly.

    Never say never.  Even in a hopeless situation, there can be hope.

  2. The day when i eccepted the Lord Jesus as my personal savior.the part which makes it memorable is the part where i had a vision and that was a precious moment and its just unforgetable.

  3. the stupid fights me and my aunt had when we were little. she's 3 years older then me. my grandma was pregnant when my dad, her older brother was a senior in high school. but we always went to my great grandma's house, who passes away last summer, but me and her always colored. and there was this big bird chair that me and her would fight over. and tell on each other for hogging the paper and crayons. we would always play house and play this amazing make believe games and it fun because we look back on it now, her now being 17 and im 14, and we just laugh and laugh and its so funny because we were so naughty to each other and would play tricks on all the grown ups and we were like partners in crime. haha. and when she started growing up and got into boys and stuff she grow away from me and we were so mean to each other and now that im growing up and we moved back to our home town were she and all my other relatives live we are friends again and we hang out and it just brings back memories from when we were little.

    i guess you just need to try and remeber the little things.

  4. Giving birth to my daughter has to rank at #1

    and taking her to Disney World this summer for the first time comes in next....

  5. deciding that i want to live...then later deciding i want to live with Jesus by my side

  6. Joining the Mile High Club.

  7. Graduating from Polotsk State University and becoming a teacher. Being able to see my mum's eyes happy.

  8. when we battle a university in korea

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