
What is your most memorable dream?

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  1. I remember a dream that I was walking up towards a certain stone on a hill side where I had found a cave that was hidden for several years and as I went inside I saw several pictures carved on the walls that told a story of some ones past as I continued walking down inside this cave I found several stones with writing on them in a strange language I could not I went in I saw another room I went into it and it was full of lots of gold more gold then I have ever seen before in piles that were up to four feet high there were many writings on the wall of this room one of the writings I could see was of an eagle and by it there was a six foot high solid gold bear and many other item.

  2. It was something a long time ago that cheered me up now that I'm older. As a little kid, I always use to dream this same dream every night. I was in a animated neighborhood like mr.roger's neighborhood and I don't know it was weird! I just suddenly remembered it this year and I am just get happy thinking about stupid stuff I used to dream lol.

  3. I've only ever had one nightmare in my life and it was when i was little, i had a dream someone broke into our house and i was running around it looking for my family and i found my mom in our sink and she had no legs.. It was the most horrifying moment of my life, i can still see the image in my head of our green sink with my mom in it. Scares me to still think about it actually haha.  

  4. I dreamed I met a man from LA who was a car channeler, I laughed myself awake.

  5. a few days after my grandmothers death of als i had a terrible dream that my mother suffered the same fate. i will never forget that dream. when i woke up i was crying and hyperventilating, right before i passed out from lack of oxygen i realized it wasnt real

  6. I was falling down a tall building at night, escaping myself from a murderer.

    ( Probably after watching a scary movie).

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