
What is your most memorable or favorite dream you have ever had?

by Guest57048  |  earlier

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Mine was when I had s*x with the hottest math teacher ever!!!!!! hahahahaha I will never forget that dream...




  1. In one  dream at my college days,I dreamt that we were

    visiting to a  forest sanctuary site.On the way,I lost the

    way,my fellow boys went away,I was left lonely near a


               I touched the water of that pond.It was worm,I did

    not control my wish to have a  bath  in it.I jumped into

    the pond.As sudden,as I entered in the pond,i found that

    my gentials left over  from  my body,I  was getting my

    b***s raised with raised breast.,my hair grew larger

    larger to feet.I saw masculanity was totally vanished and

    fully mine body was  transtioned into  feminized form,with

    sweeter fine female voice.I just had some girly costume,fortunately  made available to  me on the bank of

    the pond.

                     I wanted to write a poem into my incarnation,but,

    I was  held back  by  my classmates suddenly.They laughed

    at me to  see in this femine get up. They called me lovely

    miss Beauty ,and  laughed ...laughed  continuosly.I was feeling,shy,ashamed and  tried to escape their presence.So I ran fast.

    Collided to  a tree,got  dream broken and  ended.Oh,I found

    that was i  dream only.I  felt deep breath.Thanked God! I was

    not changed actually.Everything was normal.

                       Realiy,this dream appears like   to  be  a  

    fictious fairy-tale ,but,sincerely,speaking,it was

    had by once indeed.I cannot forget it till the life  ends.

  2. when i was doing it!

  3. any lucid dream i've had. my favorite is when i went the farthest i've ever gone in lucid dream 'powers'.

    first time if flew REALLY FAST, i'd flown before, but not fast, this time i outflew a cargo jet, superman style, rather than flapping arms like a bird.

    first time i walked through a wall, got stuck halfway out of the other side, but hey, i did it!

    first time i'd controlled time, SO COOL.

    first time i'd made people appear at will, rather difficult to achieve.

    first time i'd thought something in my dream

    first time i'd closed my eyes for the sake of seeing if i'd still be lucid when i opened them, or wake up, i was still lucid, btw.

    first time i made other characters lucid.

    first time i "used the force", like in star wars

    first time i tried to adapt other powers, in this case, spiderman.

    first time i examined feeling in dream, just like reality

    first time i examined my body in a dream, they say it's distorted in a dream, mine wasn't.

    first time i teleported anywhere.

    first time i made a girl do things for me xD (if only it was so in reality)

  4. when this one random girl gave me a bee-jay

    i didn't rly like her but it felt GREAT

  5. mine would have been when i relised that i was actually dreaming and i could control everything. it was the coolest thing ive ever done, not having to breathe when i swam and going invisable and feeling girls up that was awesome =


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