
What is your most prized piece of baseball memorabilia?

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Mine would probably be the s***w and bolt i stole from yankee stadium when i was at the home run derby.




  1. Babe Ruth signed baseball, Ryan Braun autographed baseball.

  2. 1927 Yankees World Series bat autographed by the team

  3. A Ken Griffey Jr. homerun ball, i caught at the Ballpark in Arlington.

  4. Mickey Mantle autographed baseball.  He signed it for me at a card show.

    2nd-- foul ball caught at HHH Metrodome

  5. The baseball that was used when I threw the first pitch at a River City Rascals game in 2003.

  6. I've got a baseball from the '85 World Series (it was a foul ball hit by Jack Clark during Game 4 at Busch Stadium) autographed by the entire 1985 Royals World Series team.

  7. roger clemens autographed baseball and walt Frazier autographed basketball and edwar ramirez autographed baseball and Chase Blackburn autogrpahed football from the New York Giants. Those are really good autographs in my opinion.

  8. Batting gloves a baseball player sent me. Just a nice player out to be nice! Always good to know some players are still like that!

  9. Foul ball caught from Grady Sizemore

  10. Mine would a 23 karat gold Tony Gwynn card with a piece of a game used bat that was personally hand autographed by him, I met him in SD

  11. I have a large picture of the 1969 Chicago Cubs that was autographed by every player at the 30 year reunion.  

    This is so valuable to me that it is even listed in my will!

  12. That's a good get!  

    I have two.

    I met Carl Yastrzemski at work one day at work about 11 yrs ago.  Our company used to be a sponsor.  I shook his hand and made an @ ss out of myself when I met him.  Got an autographed picture, and I gave the photo to my dad who nearly cried.  He's since passed away and my brother has it now.  The picture is of him at bat and Thurman Monson was the catcher in the pic.

    The other is my photo of me with Jim Rice.  We had corporate tickets to the Legends Suite at Fenway.  I got an unsolicited hug, talked baseball with him, and got on the jumbotron with him in the middle of a discussion outside the suite at Fenway Park. One of the best days of my baseball-appreciating life. We had signed balls.  I gave one to my dad, which my brother also has now, and my BF gave his to his dad, also a life long fan.

    I've also been blown kisses by Luis Tiante a couple times, but I think he does that with all the ladies.  :-)

  13. Either my Hank Aaron, Nolan Ryan, Pete Rose, Tom Seaver, or Yogi Berra signed baseballs, if not that one of the four fall balls I have caught at Angels games

  14. I gave away a Roberto Alomar baseball rookie card one day. I don't know if its worth anything now.

    Hope to find out the price of that card somewhere even though it doesn't matter anymore.

  15. Easy.. DiMaggio or Mantle signed baseball.  I met Mantle in Las Vegas in 1994 at MGM where he was signing with UD promotions.  I got him to put No. 7 on the ball too!!  I got the Dimaggio ball from my uncle that got it signed at the Italian American Hall of Fame at Taylor Street in Chicago.

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