
What is your most........?

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Ok. Now some of you know by now, I like to ask the odd, funny or just fun questions. So here we go! What is your most embarrassing show moment?

I mean real embarrassing. Things like, when you where showing a halter class and the judge looked at you wierd and you couldn't figgure it out untill later. When after the class you looked in a mirror and found a booger, that should have not come from a human, hanging free from your nose.

Or you go to swing into the saddle and the seat rips out of your pants to the point that the whole show can see your "Dundadadun's"!

Or you are in the Grand Entry and during the moment of silence you feel the chilli cheese dog for lunch hits, so you think that you can ease a "silent but deadly" out, but what happens is that is gets magnified by the saddle seat into a loud "BBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!"

Don't be shy let it out and laugh at it, true horse people have great sense of humor. Tell us your most embarrassing show moment!




  1. At my barn we hold little horse shows every winter.  So anyway the horse i normally ride has an eye problem and sometimes in my lessons she tosses her head around A LOT and almost bucks me off from all the tossing and so during the show in front of ALL my horsie friends who i invited over to see me ride and even people who were from school were there. So of course my horse decides to do her head tossing thing and it was HORRIBLE!! So i ended up getting off (in the middle of the class) and getting on a new horse and was placed in 4th.

  2. Well, I was showing a pony over some small jumps, and I'm always reminding myself to keep my hands at the martingale. Well, after one jump, I glance down at her neck, and I see no martingale!!! She'd managed to somehow flip it over her ears, so the martingale was now sitting on top of her noseband, held up by the reins. So I'm coming up to my next jump and she's spazzing out... so I reach one hand up next to her head to flip the martingale back over- just as the pony decides to do a quick scoot off to the side of the jump coming up, and I topple off to the side, with one foot on the ground and the other still on the saddle. Lo and behold, my breeches ripped right in the crotch, right in front of the judge. You know it's bad when the judge is giggling!

  3. omg! i got one for you! okay so im in showmanship class. YOU DO NOT TOUCH your horse in that class.. but it was my first year in the shows.. and the lady looks at my and says okay now what do you do so i couldn't think straight and i started feeling over the horse so she knew i was going to go down by her feet and i picked her hoof up.. then she waslked around the withers and told me what i did at the end of the show... also... not in a show but around ALL my friends.. you ever ridden a shetlad pony.. yea well i was acting all cocky because my friend had me get on her horse and it bucked everyone off but me.. so next.. for fun.. i get on this shetland and we go off to a trot.. it wasnt 5 steps before i was lying in the dirt.. it was so emmbarressing!

  4. Just this year at a rodeo I hauled down with a friend to only do the cutting. I also use my cutting horse for grand entries. Well, they had space for one saddle, and it had to be my cutting saddle. So the day after the cutting I have to do grand entry in that saddle, which is NOT meant for grand entry. At the end of the arena we turned and I felt the saddle slip a little. I thought "it's ok, just scoot it back when you stop". We stop in the middle of the arena, the anthem starts, and I am leaning over to twitch my saddle into place with my horse just standing there. All of a sudden he blew his lid and started in on a decent bronc run. Im doing my best to stay in the middle 'cause I just knew that saddle wasn't going to, I can hear the announcer saying "and there goes the first rough stock rodeo queen". Happily enough, I stayed on. My saddle on the other hand was on the side of the horse (me still in the middle!) nothing I could do but exit the grand entry that way. I still get comments on that day.

    The other most embarrasing show moment would be with my pony. It was my second gymkhana on him. He is evil, and if you make him angry before an event there is no stopping him from getting revenge. I did not know this yet, and apparantly, my not sharing my soda and gummi worms with him was just enough to make him mad (he was begging, but I was really hungry). You could seriously see an evil glint to those vicious blue eyes. I went in to run poles and he was rearing up and bucking. We had to wait for the judge to allow us to go, which is just torture because he does not stand in the arena. Finally when we got the OK he takes off like a rocket. The first thing he takes out is the timer on the side we're running down. He then proceeded to run a straight line down the poles making sure I was hit by every single one. He took out the other timer on the way home. I expected him to be done and go to the exit gate, but no, he had a bone to pick with that judge. She was standing on the edge of the arena by the rail and he ran straight down the rail. Of course I try pulling him off, but a little girl trying to fight with a pony is like a cat taking on an elephant. He ran full blast into the judge and she flew a couple feet away. He kept running so I decided it was time to jump ship and bailed off of him. He instantly stopped and came over and pushed me down. He then ran to the gate and my mother grabbed him. Apparantly he had managed to snap his bit in half, so not only was he angry, but he was in full control as well. The best part is, him having taken down the timer was a "timer malfunction" and we got a re-ride. I learned my lesson. Not a weekend has gone by where I haven't given him candy canes to keep him happy at a show. Even now, he's just as evil as back then.

  5. hahahah well this is mine;

    my 4th grade show; the WORST day ever!

    well this is how it began, we were on the stage and all the parents and family members came and we were about to start our show. This girl's makeup was smeared, this boy's hat kept falling off his head, and my skirt was ripped. We haven't realized that until the end. When it first started we were getting on the bleachers and ready to sing.. My high heels got stuck in one of the stepped holes and I fell. xD

    and then my friend came up running, (she was wearing high heels too, cause it was like a huge performance night lol) and she came up to help me, but there was an unexpected hole in the gym floor and she slipped face down, MAN! IT WAS EMBARRASSING. Her dress came all the way up and the audience stood in shock & horror. Then her crush came and tried helping her & started crying. hahaha It was soo cute & embarrassing.! Geez, the worst performance ever!

    Thats basically the beginning but there was more.

    We had to cancel it for a bit then renewed the show.

  6. Not at a show but at the riding school in front of the whole class.

    I was riding this new horse that we had been told had never jumped and the instructor said to try him over a little one and see how he did. Well he did just fine so she decided to put it up to about 2 feet.

    The jump was right in the middle of the arena and all the class was standing to one side watching as we cantered up to it.

    Well the approach was great but at the last moment he realised it was different and stopped dead. So there we are looking at this jump and everybody looking at us so suddenly he does this enormous catleap and I shoot straight up in the air like a star jump and land behind his ears.

    Everyone went "Oooooohhhh"

    ( and apparently the yard manager at that moment was watching through the window while she was on the phone with the stabler owner and nearly dropped the phone ! - I found that out later lol)

    Anyway, he just stopped and stood there while I shuffled back into the saddle.

  7. oh, boy...... I've been out there for years and years. And years. Let's talk about embarassing. Let me just say that any time I got big ideas, a horse was there to bring me back to earth. Probably the worst was my first time in the Arab Amateur Owner to Handle Halter Class at a prestigious show. Never even saw one before at any kind of show being new to Arabs. I was supposed to watch the previous group, but got delayed. I was wearing this womanly garment under my outfit that is all of a piece so my drawers wouldn't droop and I could resemble Cindy Crawford in proportion. It snaps down there and is held up by the shoulders on a good day. I was at the gate and all of a sudden I felt this item roll up like a bad window shade up under my upper region. So I had to fly to the ladie's across the stadium, undress, snap up, redress and fly back, grab my mare and fly around the arena once, stand and do..what?? And shoot, I'm first. Go where? My mare heads for the guy with the video camera way over there at full tilt as she finds him more exciting than me. The judge actually lets me try it again. What am I trying??? My trainer's on the rail realizing I really meant what I said when I said I'd only shown Quarter Horses at halter and I really need some lessons. Bad. Yesterday. I am soooo glad this is not showmanship.... my mare  gets second in spite of being shown like a Quarter Horse. I get lessons when we get home, we go on to great things and I get rid of that technical wonder meant to hold me in like Cindy Crawford and not let my drawers droop.

  8. Ohhh, lopin' along in my amateur WP class, looked down and my pants zipper was completely undone; or, schooling my horse, very quickly, when the judge's back was turned, and he turned back around and caught me; or forgetting my number when the class was called..didn't have it pinned on;

    or, stewarding a huge AQHA circuit show, the lights went out and the judge and I couldn't see the numbers very clearly and consequently some of the numbers he wrote down on his card were wrong...with that one we had a top five trainer in the nation really po'ed at us and he let us know he wasn't a happy camper...twas a big WP futurity class.  That was hugely embarrassing.

    Or, getting dumped off my mare in front of my cohorts while schooling her and a five gaited ASB went flying past us...I ended up on the ground, flat on my back, much to the amusement of everyone...this was my fancy pleasure mare.

    I could go on.

  9. Mine would probably be when I was 8 and I was walking around the ring getting ready do start jumping. All of a sudden, I tipped over and fall off a 15 hh horse that was WALKING!! Needless to say, I didn't win the show

  10. I've never shown horses, but once on an endurance ride, I stopped on the side of a hill to pee.  As I dropped my riding tights, I lost my footing and rolled to the bottom of the hill just as a group of hikers came by.  They snickered and kept walking, but said nothing as I lay there with my white butt hanging out.

  11. I have never really had an embarrassing show moment but when I first started lessons, the girl who was helping me tack up did not check the girth. I was walking and with every step, I slowly slid sideways. Eventually, the saddle was upside down.

    Another time about a year ago, I was trying to go over a jump and my horse swerved around. I slid into his neck. He put his neck down and I flipped right off from the walk.

  12. Well I was late for my class, so instead of going over to use the mounting block, i got my brother to give me a leg up. He is pretty strong, so on the first try, he flings me over the other side of my horse. On the second try,  I get up alright, but i kind of missed the saddle a bit, and now my butt is hanging off the back of the saddle. No big deal, i can just scooch forward. Nope, my breeches are caught. So the judge says "all riders on the rail, you are now being judged". My instructor went over and said "can you hold on a moment, one of my riders isnt quite ready". Instantly EVERYONE looks at me and I turn beet red. By the end of it we have to ressort to hacking away part of my breeches with a hoof pick. I rode in the class with a big hole in my breeches and the dumbest look on my face. But from now on, i use a mounting block :)

  13. I was riding with a friend who didn't ride much. Well she fell into the river(was laughing my butt off by now) & when she tried to lead the mare out, the mare would do a little rear. Then my friend would scream. Well they did that like 10 times! I was laughing sooooooo hard I peeed my bareback pad!!!! Yeah... proud times!   LOL LOL LOL Great stories!!!! Love to read them!!! LOL LOL

  14. Actually, sounds as though you have had the worst of the embarrassing moments!  I had to laugh when I was reading your examples.  Worst I can think of was riding in stake races, when my horse took off at the start line the leather on the cinch broke and at the first turn the saddle (and me) hit the ground, in front of God and everybody.  But maybe more embarrassing (not for me)was when my horse and trainer were showing at the Canadian National Horse Show in calf roping.  They won the class and then my horse proceeded to buck like the best of any rodeo stock, boy could be sunfish!! He dumped the trainer and it was all recorded by a local TV station.

  15. I was show minis and I have a 3 year old mare.

    Well she's kinda tiny, so I have to sort of bend over. I was in halter class when I bent over (WITHOUT WEARING A BELT) and my pants were huge, so they slowly slid down my bottom exposing my undies that were covered with carebears about half a foot  RIGHT WHEN THE JUDGE WAS ONE HORSE AWAY FROM ME. I had no idea, and everyone is cracking up, so I look up at my mom waving her hands silently telling me to pull my pants up. Now i always wear a belt, no matter how tight my pants are

  16. we were having a mini horse show, and i was one of the younger students. i knew how to canter well, and we were doing trot poles and then we had to canter or trot back. i chose to canter and was having a lot of fun. our team won, but after, people kept on saying stuff like "nice sittin up" and stuff. i finally realized what they meant: we were all doing western riding and i had done the cantering part in two-point. smarty me.

    there was also a time where i was in a real show and i was wearing white breeches and when i was jumping, i realized i was wearing bright blue undies.

  17. I wasnt actually in the show besides a showmanship class, but I was just riding my horse around, getting him use to the show atmosphere, and we were behind the western show ring and he decided To Charge into the Woods, where there was no path at all(he is a true trail horse) and I tried to stop but I couldnt so I went to jump  off and ducked under a branc at the same time and fell stumbled on my landing.  They stopped the class cuz horse spooked, I walked him out of the woods and pretened like nothing happened, even I was so embarrased I hid behind him and acted like I was checking for any injuries

  18. I was about to go riding at the trail riding place i DID work at (until yesterday) and everyone of the trail riders were mounted inc my boss anyway I was in such a rush i checked everything, except....yep the girth! so anyway i put my foot in and was half way up when bam! the saddle was on the side of the horse i was laying in the mud, everyone was laughing, my boss was glaring and my horse had the strangest most bemused expression on his face. for weeks after that we had people coming to do a trail ride saying "oh are you the girl that my friend said, fell off because she forgot to do something up?" it was so embarrassing, my EXboss always brought it up laughing in the introduction speech, saying and we have an employee that will show you the incorrect way to mount a horse....err so embarressing

  19. I was four, and I was all dressed up in an 'itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini' that my mom had made for my dress-up show. Suddenly I realized that the knot for the top had come undone and I was half naked.

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