
What is your nationality..where u come from?

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I jus want know how many nationality it have on yahoo well am Jamaican from nobrook but grew up in st.james montego bay




  1. I was born in Mexico and live in the united states.I wish i was still in Mexico.

  2. I'm Chinese, born there too, but I was raised in the U.S.

  3. I am American

    My family is from Ethiopia!!

    Jamaica and Ethiopia are like sisters!!  :)

  4. mine is a fine mexican cultire and I come from the same parents how think the same. and taught me to always be proud all the time.

  5. I was born in Nottingham England and that's where I live now.

  6. I am Jamaican and I am from Jamaica.

  7. Since I was born in the U.S and am an American citizen, my nationality is nothing but American.   In my ancestral heritage, I am a Pedigree American Mutt.  

    You don't have more than one nationality unless you have dual citizenship.  Your ancestral heritage can be a number of things but not your nationality.

    I had ancestors in this country before the Mayflower.  The Jamestown Virginia settlement was 13 years before. Also I have what is called Native American ancestry. Still the person who is naturalized in a federal courthouse tomorrow, their nationality is just as American as mine.

    In the colonial south, they had English, Scots, ScotchIrish(called Ulster Scots in Britain), Germans and French Huguenots. My maternal grandmother who was born in 1873 was a blend of all those things in her ancestral heritage, but her nationality was absolutely nothing but American.

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