
What is your nick-name for Tim Hortons?

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What is your nick-name for Tim Hortons?




  1. Timmy's

    We call Starbucks "Five Buck's" because you can't get anything for under that.

  2. I don't have one.

  3. Timmy Ho's!

  4. tim haute

  5. Timmy's.

  6. Tim's, but I've heard Timmy's and "The Horton's" down east.

  7. Tim Horny's

  8. The Fat Patch.. My friends and I have always called it that

  9. Ti motton

  10. Mr.Hort'ns

  11. A place to go to find a cop. "Copper's coffee swill"

  12. tim's

  13. T.I.

  14. Timmie's

  15. I don't have one but alot of people say Timmy's. Also a little girl in my preschool class i teach calls it "Double Double"

  16. Mine is "Timmys"

  17. Timmy's

  18. TH

  19. I think a lot of people will agree when i say that my nickname for Tim Horton's is... TIMMIES! its catchy and fast!

  20. TH Lounge

  21. my son, who is 2 calls it do-do-nuts.

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