
What is your normal rpms in high gear on most days when you ride?

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What is your normal rpms in high gear on most days when you ride?




  1. Define "High Gear"...

    I'm comfortable in an RPM of 85-90 and adjust which gear I am in to maintain the same cadence.

  2. About 85 rpm.

  3. with damaged knees i stay above 90 rpm and change gears to maintain the cadence.

  4. Spin, spin, spin is the secret to cycling efficiently.

    I use a base-line cadence of 100, varying from 80 to 120 -- high gear, low gear, every gear.

    If you ever saw Lance Armstrong in a race against other pros the thing that would stand out most is that he always seemed to pedaling at a substantially higher cadence than anyone else in the field.

    Link to a quick article on pedaling technique below.

  5. If you define "high gear"as your biggest gear you should only be able to spin that gear by flying down a long steep hill at 45 mph or more.  If you mean to ask what kind of rpm do most people ride then the answer is different.  Stay above 60 to be effective.  Many experienced cyclists do what other here have told you.  Above 80 - 110, this takes having the saddle at the right hgt, having your shoes fastened down to the pedals, and training yourself to pedal really smoothly.  The greatest way to learn to spin is to ride on rollers at higher rpms.  High rpm equals low pedal resistence equals endurance.

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