
What is your number one pet peeve?

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What is your number one pet peeve?




  1. Drivers who can't be bothered with using their pinkies to turn on their directional signals when they turn left or right.

  2. Aye, that's a tough one, because I have more than one.  I would say that my number one pet peeve would be people that interrupt someone else (cutting the other person off, finishing the statement for the other person, etc).  I have seen supposedly professional interviewers (journalists, and at least one major talk-show host) who do that very thing ALL the time, and it raises my blood pressure every time.

  3. when people are down your throat..for example say you broke a lamp right? So then your cousin is like yeah you broke the lamp then she goes to 5 other people and ask if i broke the lamp..its like being tagg teamed.i hate it

  4. People who laugh at - or make fun of - another person.

    We just don't need it in this world and it does not help anyone.

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