
What is your objective opinion of this article?

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  1. It's unfortunate that we live in a world where people need to be forced into treating others as equals! But it is the reality.

    I'm going to assume you wanted the objective opinion on the content of the article and not on the article itself as others seem to be taking the question to mean.

    I as a white male am not happy that my world is limited in any way shape or form because of the mistakes made in history by other white men who were ignorant people incapable of knowing their heart's true direction. Anyone who needs to treat another as less than them is answering to what others have wrongly taught them in life, certainly not what you should know inside yourself at the core of your being to be right. Also limited because these seem to be the ones in the first world who get the best educations and the best jobs. How is that the fault of that whole segment of the populace?

    The real sad thing about employment and inequality, aside from payrate inequality, is what new immigrants with a real education and established careers are put through when they get to a new (first world) country.

    There are Doctors from India sweeping floors in American high schools because they can't afford to go to a college or university for a couple years and be recertified to practice medicine. It's the same with engineers and radiologists and many other professionals who should be made more welcome with their skills in first world countries where most of our major cities and lots of our small cities and towns actually do need these people and their skills.

    I digress from the original question and my reason for posting this answer.

    I'm disappointed in the articles contents and even though I can wish all I may and wish all I might, nothing is going to change the world in this regard. The world is slow too change and this will eventually change as many of the old attitudes of racism and sexism have been changed in the last 30 - 40 years. The world has to be forced to accept certain segments of the population in certain regards and the white male will continue to be made to pay the price by being painted as the bad guy in all of this and he's the reason that these types of laws and limitations have to be made.

    In time change will come. Time that I will never see and many of the readers of these answers will probably never see either, but in time none the less.

    I hope this gives you some food for thought and clearly states my disatisfaction at the article's contents.

  2. They have had something similar in the US for a while now.  I am surprised that the UK didn't already have it on th e books.

  3. I believe in giving people equal opportunities at success, not equal material possessions (such as pay, etc.).  Why? If you pay people equally, people will not be as productive without some "incentive" of getting more pay than others.

    I know that laws like equal employment are meant to help solve racial discrimination, but I don't think that it is effective and fair at all.  Because this law requires companies (at least in the US) to have a certain percentage of minorities, but what if the whites are more qualified than the minorities who applied? Because of this law, the company has to hire the less qualified candidate and turn down the more qualified one.  Is that fair? I don't think so.

  4. Objectively, it's well-written and grammatically correct.  For such a controversial subject, it should have posed more sources and evidence to back-up what the writer was saying.

    Going into my opinion on the topic would not be objective.

  5. You know, if people were to be more involved in working on the problems, instead of creating more barriers to "ward" them off, we'd probably be a more accepting world.  It's great that someone came up with the idea to force employers to hire more minorities, however, in the end, it's going to create more issues than we already have.  We need to stop teaching ignorance, and work on teaching acceptance.

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