
What is your opinion? And do you do it?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone know's that on Yahoo!Answers' that people level two and up can give a thumbs up and thumbs down.

Do you like that feature?

Do you use the feature?

How do you feel when you get a thumbs up?

How do you feel when you get a thumbs down?





  1. Yes, I will, alright, I haven't got one. ( might now lol)

  2. I like it except it gets awfully annoying when you're in the religious or political sections XD

    I use it

    It makes me a little happy, but barely. You know doesn't make my day or anything lol

    It annoys me a little. Like I said, doesn't ruin my day or anything major.

  3. i like it.

    but its only useful if people go back to the questions they answered and check if theyve been rated. i do that. haha. but yeah

    i like getting thumbs up and it doesnt bother me if i get thumbs down.

  4. yes


    i don't feel anything

    i get mad, especially when i thought the answer that i gave was really good

  5. yes



    like trying to find the person who did it and give them a thumbs down!

  6. I don't care anymore if I get a thumbs down. I guess I was like "hey!" if someone gave me a thumbs down, but I didn't even really care then anyway, and I barely ever checked.

    I like the feature anyway.

    I'm not to a level two on this account yet, but I was at a level four on my old one.

  7. Haha The Feature Is Okay.

    I Do Tend 2 Use It.

    I Feel That Someone Has My Opiuion When I Get A Thumbs Up

    & I feel that someone doesnt ahve my opiuion when i get a thumbs down which is okay.

  8. i use it. i dont really car if i get a thums up or down. ppl can thing whatever the h**l they want

  9. Its great

    Yes i use it

    Its cool getting a thumbs up

    Not fussed if I get a thumbs down, its all a matter of personal opinion

  10. Do you like that feature?

    -Yes, I do!

    Do you use the feature?

    -YES! A lot. =]

    How do you feel when you get a thumbs up?

    -Really proud of myself. And verryy useful.

    How do you feel when you get a thumbs down?

    -I get mad, especially when the people do it just because they want to 'have fun'!

  11. i use it all the time, the funny thing is that i didnt even notice it untill i was in level 3 lol im slow i know.

    i dont care about the thumbs up or down that i get, i say what i have to say and if people dont like it that sucks for them, i never answer so that i can get thumbs up.

    EDIT: I feel like it is way better than youtube where thumbs up and down cancel each other out, you never really know how many people really disagreed or agreed!

  12. Yes




  13. Ok this may sound corny but its what i think so yea

    I love it becausee you know you had to work to get it.

    YEA!!! i think ppl should be rewarded for good answers

    i feel estatic to know that other ppl liked your answer

    i feel like WHAT?? ugh! b.c maybe i didnt give hem the right answer they were searching for!

  14. its ok but im level 1

  15. I'm rather indifferent to the feature and think it would be a bit vain to feel hurt or overly happy when I received a thumbs down/thumbs up, respectively. It's a bunch of people sitting at their computers many miles away judging me because of what I type on the Internet.

    Not to mention that it gives the sense of "peer pressure" when the "asker" is trying to choose a best answer.

    It's a nice idea, but I think people abuse it.

  16. LOL you're making a big deal of such a tiny thing.  It's funny.  I like that feature, and I use it.  When I get a thumbs up it's cool and when I get a thumbs down I don't care.

  17. ya it gives u more choices

  18. I love the feature.

    I use it all the time.

    I feel proud of myself when I get a thumbs up.

    I feel the need to give my computer the evil eye when I get a thumbs down.

  19. Yea i love the feature!

    Sure do if i don't feel like answering the question or someone said what i was gonna say then give it a thumbs up and if you don't the answerer knows by the thumbs down!

    I feel very happy cause i know people actually do agree with me!!

    Just like whatever everyone in the world can't agree on everything everyone thinks different things and if they didn't agree then oh well!!

  20. When i see a thumbs up or down, i ahve to remembe that the peson rating the answer may or may not agree with the answer.  They may feel the answer is not whatt he questioner asked.  they give an idication of how the rater feels about  the answer.  they are not the  definitive way that the lpeople vote though.  I had a 5 thumbs down and the asker rated me the best answer, so, they ae only a way to give an anonymous opinion of the answer.

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