
What is your opinion about Hugo Chavez president of Venezuela?

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What is your opinion about Hugo Chavez president of Venezuela?




  1. A pity he doesn't actually help the poor as much as he spends time talking about it. All talk, no trousers.

  2. Hugo Chavez represent the Venezuelan people as true mixed race. He refuses to free his borders to capitalist Americans to basically pump there oil and totally profit from it . He's made quality of life better while being in power.

  3. I like his social policies of helping the poor, but I don't like his authoritarian tactics---you can have the first without the second as the case of present-day Chile shows.

  4. A fascist dictator who needs to be taken out.

  5. He's a good man.USA hate him so he must be good.The way he was treated when they aqrrested him and reversed all his policies but then the people found out that he had not resigned and was framed. Good man.

  6. Seems like he doesn't like W. So we have something in common.

  7. Frankly, he's done more for his people on his day off than Bush was able to do for his American constituents in his entire eight years of dictatorship. I mean, since bush wasn't elected either time if you get my drift.

  8. Just another typical fascist dictator.

  9. I think he should be Obama's choice for V.P. They think alike.

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