
What is your opinion about Iran and Iranian people and their government?

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What is your opinion about Iran and Iranian people and their government?




  1. At first people just wanted to get rid of the late Shah (King), the last king of Iran since the time of the Medes. They wanted a republic with democracy. The only people that stepped up were the people of Khomeini. People went to the streets and started a revolution. They however, only wanted a republic and they did NOT know that the government would be this totalitarian and oppressive. They were told that nothing would be enforced including religion, they would have their freedom, they would not have to wear  a veil for example. The most important false promise that the current government made was that Khomeini appealed the poor by telling them that the oil belongs to the Persian people and so he promised that the proceeds would be going to them. This government was revolutionized for because of false promises, believe me if the people knew where they would be now they would have given it a serious second thought. Iran has a history of4500 years with the Persian Empire, they had the largest empire the world has ever seen. People have been through alot, but so far no government has been so bad for the country as the current. People now, are expressing their unhappiness but they have been through a lot in the past 30 years and are tired you try going through a revolution and a war in the matter of years. BTW on this site you hear alot of Americans saying they should bomb iran kill em all because they say death to america if you actually find and talk to some iranians you'll know its not true and thats just iranian state run propaganda. Iranians are loving peace loving people they have not declared war on any country in 390 years. They are not arab they are Persian Aryans so stop calling them arab because they do not like that much. Educate yourselves and you will stop being biased. Education is important. Read and then talk people. thanks for your time.

    Peace and best regards,


  2. First of all , thanks Jason,

    you said it all. down with this half Arab/evil gov. they have exhausted, and lost dignity of this Aryan people for 30 yrs.

    i hope to see Iran (my beloved country) in real peace and freedom.

    thank you again Jason

  3. I think the Iranian people are most likely the same as everyone else The government has a hard job as it is not whistling the star spangled banner

  4. Persian people do not like the way their country is being run under the name of Iran. The people must be very worried that the nutter in power is teasing the world and will need to think hard once this annoying idiot is taken from office. He is playing a game with the world and the people in his country are going to suffer. He will just be arrested and hung, his people will go hungry, be bombed and suffer for just being born in a country run by a an annoying idiot playing games with people and their future

  5. People are people. I've traveled the world and that is the truth. I've never been to Iran but I'm sure there are good, bad and innocent there just as there are here or anywhere else. As for 'their' government, I'm sure a good many of them feel the same way about 'theirs' as I feel about 'mine'.

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