
What is your opinion about Tea-Kwon-Do?

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What is your opinion about Tea-Kwon-Do?




  1. i love it, like all other martial arts in helps you with self-defense, fitness, sport, and a lot more. A lot of people believe TKD sucks, because of the fact that there are so many Mcdojos out there that pretty much disgrace the art.

  2. It all depends upon who your teacher is.  And I mean that with all sincerity.  The teach will make or break the study for you.  

    And be sure you're actually studying Taekwondo and not something someone calls Taekwondo because they want to use a popular name.

    Take it, get a black belt, and cross train in a grappling style.  Do not think you are learning because you did TKD and then Karate.   They're both way too similar.

  3. taekwondo is a great form of martial arts, and yes when you first start it's all about the rigid forms and such, but when it comes down to it, you'll be able to be so acrobatic when you kick(since taekwondo is basicly perfecting the art if kicking) and have that power behind it.Just remember that your legs are the longest and the strongest part on your body and once perfected you will become deadly.

  4. You definitely could use a couple more lumps of sugar, a pinch of lemon and a slice of cake to go with it.

  5. TAEkwondo? Yeah.. I think it's alright. Make sure you choose the right style of it. The WTF(World Taekwon-do Federation) is complete ****. All it focuses on is kicks with almost no hand moves. Make sure you take ITF if you want to take it.. which is pretty much like kickboxing. It's an alright martial art... it covers striking and teaches you how to defend standup with a few self-defense situations. It does not cover grappling and is weak with ground moves. That's why I quit it and took BJJ after I got my black-belt in it. Hope this helped:)

  6. i like coffee-kwon-do better

  7. if it's anything like karate it's booooring.

  8. Never took it. But it's a popular Martial Art, and it'd be harder to find good instructors because it's probably the most popular throughout the U.S. Like it's been the past 20-30 years...

    No offense to TKD-ists, but i've sparred with my black belt friend and a brown belt and they aren't very good, well the brown belt uses muay thai and he stills has a lot to learn... the black belt... blah he got his belt in 3 years and it looked like he didn't even try... And I, who hasn't even had a years training of martial arts yet, are almost, if not up to their level.

    TKD can be effective if you find a good school and spill your heart out. Work hard, be respectful and be confident. It's a good art with good instruction.

    Note: If you want it for self defense or ring fighting, i wouldn't advise to take those silly point sparrings... In my opinion, those ruin the form and way you should fight in real life... but it's only an opinion ^_^ it can be right or wrong for any individual.

  9. Too many McDojos are TAE-Kwon-Do place.

    Good for shows definitely.

    Unless you can really find a GREAT TKD school, then most of them are useless c**p that will teach you how to point spar and kick using your foot.

    Go to Korea and TKD practitioner there actually train their shins and make them as hard as Muay Thai practitioners.

    Mix REAL TKD with stick fighting training and you'll get good result.

  10. I think taught right Tae Kwon Do is a very good style. Unfortunatly it has gotten a really bad reputation becaue of inferior schools, the same way karate has. Most knowledgeble people on here, both traditional and MMA devote's that actually train and are not just internet Ninja's, will tell you that it is not the art that is good or bad, just the way it is taught and trained.

  11. I prefer coffee-kwon-do

  12. I personally find Tae Kwan Do suits me great. Of course i'm studying Kan Du Kwon Tae Kwan Do with boxing, chinese kung fu, aikido, and streetfighting influences from a great instructor who uses traditional methods whenever he can get away with it.

  13. mcdojoooo

  14. Teaches you nothing.....

    Sweat alot.....

    Make u do 100 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and jog in Place for 10 minutes.

    All for warm-ups.......

    yea it sucks

  15. Tea-Kwon-Do originated in Japan, better known to us westerns as the Japanese tea ceremony.  Not much of a work out but great for improving balance and focus.

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