
What is your opinion about family planning?

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State your opinions about family planning. Do you agree or disagree to it? Why or why not?

Serious answers would be very much appreciated!




  1. In my opinion, family planning is extremely important. The quality of life you give to your children will depend on what you can provide for them to a point and how much time you can spend with them individually. It's a changing world we live in with something like 6.5 billion people on a world with limited resources. I think it's our duty to limit the amount of children we produce. Also I believe that s*x is a very important part of any relationship and not just to produce offspring. It's also vital, I think, to keep a relationship between 2 adults strong. It's a bonding that you don't share with any other human being.  

  2. being from the most densely populated country in the planet i do believe strongly people should go for family planning. especially in the low earning i have seen, its only the lower earning or the richest ppl who dont go for family planning. as in case of lower earning familys, children are a source of income, and in the high earners, children are the holders of the property.

    plus giving attention to 2 children is a lot less hassel (!! sorry to use this word but i dont think children are hassel!! i just couldnt find the other word :( sorry again.  ) then maintaining 5 children at once.

    affordability does matter. if i am always snapping at my child for monetary reasons, its my fault not my childs, as he/she didnt bring him/herself in the planet.

    but if i am sure that i wont pick my favorite child among the 4, its magnificent.

  3. I have an opinion to share. As much as I believe that it is a woman's right and responsibility to plan any children she reproduces, I learned the hard way that Mother Nature can be the bigger planner.

    I never wanted children. I did not imagine my future children when I was growing up and give them cute little names and imagine what it would be like to be a mother. I don't like kids and I had no interest in reproducing.

    When I was 28, on New Years eve, I suddenly got this over whelming feeling that I wanted a child. I had been married for 6 years at that point and at no time did either of us voice that we had any interest in being parents but suddenly I knew I should have a child. So I spent the next year, clearing and cleaning my body in preparation to have this child. I knew when I wanted to be pregnant and when I wanted the child to be born, and I timed the conception to facilitate this. Everything was in my control and all fell into place.

    When I went for my first prenatal, I started questioning the dates he told me I had conceived. I had been in NY and away from my husband and I did not fool around. For the size for my uterus, I was much further along than I thought. Hmmm.

    So the answer to the dilemma came on the ultrasound, there were two of them.

    For all my planning, for all my control, Mother Nature stepped in and slapped me back to reality.

    So, my opinion on family planning is this, plan all you want. It won't do you any good, life is not like that. No matter what control you think you have, in some way, you will come to understand that you have no control whatsoever.  

  4. I agree of course.

    It is the only smart thing to do.

  5. Abstinence is the favourite answer for those of religious persuasions ... but although in my opinion this is unreasonable and actually goes against the nature, might actually be the answer to much of the child poverty and abusive lives that many children are born into and grow up in - their parents might or might love them, they may or may not have been wanted - but their needs certainly are not being best met by the parents who created them... I believe family planning in terms of preventing pregnancy is the right course to take for any responsible person .... however the age at which contraception pills and such are taken is still debatable ... family planning in terms of terminating pregnancy is something I'm still at odds with myself - there are good and solid arguments for and against... I personally feel that in the 21st century there is (outside certain circumstances such a rape) no good reason to get pregnant if you don't want, and abuse of this 'power' in a 'normal' situation is abhorrent and a dereliction of responsibility.... I also feel young people and people in financial situations, those who can't properly support themselves and a family should have the maturity to not have children... the fact that we have a system that helps to support them is actually being abused ... but what do we do with those who do abuse it? - abandon them - and their children? ..... So, back to my original opinion that each person should take responsibility, children should not be born willy nilly - otherwise at the end of the day it is the child born to an unfavourable situation that ultimately suffers

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