
What is your opinion about future energy consumption by automobles?whay)?

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What is your opinion about future energy consumption by automobles?whay)?




  1. we need more big block V8's.

    a 496 c.i. factory motor in the new camaro would be awesome!

    i bet with todays engine management systems, we could get 18 mpg outta one.


    contrary to popular belief, WE ARE NOT RUNNING OUT OF OIL!

    here is the current situation:

    this doesn't include what we still haven't found.

    when that is used up, we can use this oil:

    when we use up that oil, we can make some:

    oil will be here for generations!

  2. I think we could use water and co2 intake and compression to the solid state to combat global warming. I know it sounds like a solid state rocket but if it can turn into one we could get to mars.

  3. It is very hard to say were we are headed there are so many different things happening.

    The only thing I am sure of is that petroleum products will continue to get increasingly more expensive.

    Anyway for my spin, (and probably a long way into the future.)

    I can see the bulk of transport needs being meet by electric vehicles. Probably not the sort that most would think of.

      A vehicle that is very light and only needs to travel a short distance under its own power until it reach a freeway or rail system where it can draw energy from a grid. For the major part of the trip it would draw propulsion energy from the grid and charge the small battery as it go. When it gets close to the final destination it leaves the freeway / rail system and continues under it's own power.

    Biofuels (ethanol bio diesel etc) would be the likely sources of vehicle energy outside of the range of this sort of system, where it is not practical and for heavy haulage.


    Mostly because the technology to do this already exists (and is quite cheap). It solves the problem of long range, heavy batteries. Vehicles can be made extremely light and super efficient. (Solar powered racecars can maintain 130 km/h (80mph) on about 4 Kilowatts (5.4 hp))

    Existing power station can supply all of the energy for this MOST of the time. During periods of peak electricity demand and rush hour additional stationary generators maybe required. There are many energy storage systems that could be used to fuel stationary generators. (Maybe even hydrogen)

    Befoul can only be expected to supply a small part of our overall transport needs.

    I have no doubt there will be plenty of temporary fixes, blind alleys, distractions and political interference to deal with between now and then.  But this is where I believe we are headed.

  4. It will have to go down eventually, because oil is not renewable and will run out some day. They only question is when.


  6. I have a plug in horse, gets great mileage but when I try to plug him in....oh he gets ticked!

  7. Most likely it will be electricity based rather than combustion based.  The big question is energy storage.  That will either be rechargeable batteries or fuel cells which are capable of using multiple fuels.

    Why?  Efficiency and weight reduction.

  8. I don't care if you all think I'm nuts or not I'm still betting on this  From what i understand its coming out in another 6 months or so . Maybe ill be one of the rich people i keep complaining  about. If it does we will all be rich . Just imagine what you can do with all the energy you can use for practically nothing . Drive as far as you want in any size vehicle even a semi truck for 50 bucks a month . light you home heat or freeze your home all day long 50 a month . The possibility's are endless

  9. It will be mostly plug-in electric hybrids and electric vehicles.  This is because electric cars are more fuel efficient and produce fewer greenhouse gases than burning gasoline.

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