
What is your opinion about imigration?

by Guest10717  |  earlier

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i studied about it for a couple months, it was that or some stupid science project..anyway i wanna know your opinions :]




  1. Immigration is correct when there is a perfect integration.

  2. Okay, so I'm going to give you a little bit more information beyond the "I'm for or against immigration"...

    First of all, I am pro immigration.  The legal kind only, of course.  Second, I believe the US have a huge illegal immigration problem.

    Third, there are only 2 viable options currently on the table on how to fix this problem.  I'm going to give you my opinion on both options.  Note that I am not looking into this in a political angle but purely as a practical solution.  So, if I mention McCain, it doesn't mean I'm voting for the d00de.

    Okay, option 1:  

    a.)  Build the fence along the Mexican border.

    b.)  Enforce current laws to do a crackdown on all illegal immigrants already in the country.  Basically, send them all home.

    Option 2:  (proposed legislation under McCain-Kennedy Act 2007).  a.) Build the fence.

    b.) Deport all illegal immigrants that are documented in the courts (currently under criminal custody)

    c.) Entice all others that are already in the US to get documented and provide a path for citizenship (amnesty, yeah yeah, McCain doesn't like us to call it amnesty, but, it is amnesty) by paying a stiff fee to get legal visa.

    d.) Give border states federal funding to bolster immigration police forces to capture and deport illegal migrants.

    Okay, so, we know the 1st option is not working.  Otherwise, we wouldn't be in this mess now.  A lot of the problem is caused by not enough funding in the state level for due process and deportation of illegals (i personally know a family who got captured for illegal stay and was put up in a motel until the hearing and since they couldn't afford a plane ticket to go home, they were released!).  In any case, I believe that the McCain-Kennedy is a good plan if they would change it a bit as follows:  instead of offering amnesty to entice documentation, they should be given lifetime Green Card status that is ineligible for citizenship.  Green card holders do not get access to welfare or other federal aid programs.  Green card holders cannot vote.  They are still entitled to Social Security but only for the portion that they contributed into the program.  The reason why I like this is because, it will be a significant drain on police resources to find undocumented illegals.  These people are skilled in the hide-and-seek game having done it for years!  So, entice them with the green card option to get them documented.  Give them a deadline (have to be documented by this date...).  You get revenues from the fees they pay in that can be used to find undocumented illegals.  And, once they're documented, they are easier to monitor - put them on the watch list for future criminal offenses.  But, to make it so that they cannot be a drain in our welfare programs, and that no political party can benefit from this - they cannot be allowed citizenship - no voting privileges!!!

    Man, I can go on and on about this.  I'm just hitting on the main things that come to mind.  I can put more detail on any of these points...  

  3. Immigration basically is moving to another country, out of yours.

    People do that for many reasons, but in the USA most people hate foreigners to death.

    Of course, they won't admit it even if you put it in their face, but no one, not even the worse of the worst will admit being an evil person. They will try to justify with many arguments, but it is very easy to see the hatred through their arguments.

    Hatred is bad and these people try to make the illegals look like Jack the Ripper.

    The really bad thing about these anti illegals is their hatred, which they try to disguise. It has nothing to do with the fact that these people have come here without papers

    They just hate them and are striving to create a very negative propaganda against the illegals. Sad thing, it is working

    Hate crimes against foreigners are increasing exponentially , similar to what happened in Germany against the Jews

    The USA has a strong tendency towards nazism

  4. I don't mind if people come to this country as long as they do it legally.

    Having a diverse background is what makes this country great.  Just look at all the other countries in the world who don't allow a different point of view.  All of them are dictatorships & 3rd world countries.

    I've been all over the world & have seen the differences.  Immigration is just fine, illegal immigration is not.

  5. Our countrie is ridiculous. If your going to have laws on the books enforce them, if not get rid of them. We have laws against illegal immigration yet liberal governors and mayors make sanctuary cities that do not follow the law. First off they should be tossed as thats their jobs to uphold the rules and laws of this country. I don't think it's fair illegals come here and drain us of services causing hospitals to shut down. I don't think it's fair certain people wait and go through the process and do the right thing while others just come over here.

  6. I"m all for legal immigration all against illegal immigration.  

  7. I'm for it, since my parents were immigrants.

    For those saying smack about illegal immigrants (my parents were totally legal), watch A Day Without A Mexican.

  8. Immigration is overwhelming school systems.

    “The level of immigration is so massive, it’s choking urban schools ...It’s bad enough when you have desperate kids with U.S. backgrounds who require massive resources. In come kids with totally different needs, and it creates crushing burdens on urban schools.”

    David W.Stewart,

    author of Immigration and Education: The Crisis and Opportunities

  9. Build the fence and kick out the illegals. As a taxpayer I'm sick of paying for these illegals to suck the government teat for free health care, free housing, free food stamps and free education. All paid for by the U.S. taxpayer.  

  10. my opinion is than anyone who feels threatened by immigrants ( legal or not ) should release than those immigrants are people like anyone else and than no matter what their opinion about them is if one as a person does nothing else but to live blaming others for what one has to live then one is the main responsible for having a lame life . it is not about what others do or do not do it is about every American having the opportunities others wished for and yet not using those opportunities and still have the nerve to judge others for having to leave to come to a completely uknown world to them . by the way i do mention than they are people like anyone else because sometimes some justify than they should not be given an opportunity because there is bad people in them as if there was any big group of people who never do bad stuff ! . i personally find delissuonal anyone who judges an entire group of people for what some of them did , completely wrong and even sick .

  11. Immigrants are great,

    Illegal aliens are not immigrants and need not be here.

    define: immigrant

    Someone who has become a lawful permanent resident.

  12. As with any business, we should put a freeze on it for now.  We need to concentrate on our own people for now.  We have too many homeless, too many welfare recipients with bling that need tending to, oil $ problems, etc.  We've got to get George W. out of office and start healing our nation.  With all of the immigrants wanting to live here and take advantage of our Medicaid, SS, and benefits, we are suffering.  How are we going to pay for heat this winter????  Our companies are going AWOL and setting up shop in other countries because they can pay workers a couple of dollars a week.  We've got to take back our country!!!

  13. all i have to say is:  REPORT AND DEPORT!

    it says NOTHING in the Declaration of Independence about helping ILLEGALS

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