
What is your opinion about india & indian people?

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What is your opinion about india & indian people?




  1. I really want to travel there.

  2. i think they are really kind

  3. Absolutely fantastic country and wonderful people, their determination,ingenuity and skill to survive in sometimes terrible conditions should put them streets ahead of us in the west, and they would be if not for the corrupt officials running the place

  4. i dont know any indian people and ive never been to india so i dont really have an opinion.

  5. I think there are good and bad in every race.

    Indian people seem extremely artistic and I thing they look beautiful.

  6. In the city I live (Solon, OH) there's a big Indian settlement, they're kind of antisocial with the exception of our next door neighbors who are very friendly.

  7. i think they are good people like any country people .but majority of  indians have been deprived of their lawful contribution they should have got ,as our politicians are so corrupt they have made india a devoloping country till now we should have been powerful like the other countries .we indians ar peace loving ,cool,energetic,hard working we have all the good qualities needed for a strong citizen to be  proud of our country

  8. Some indians are nice and others can be mean..but it's like that everywhere you go in the world. I would like to go there someday to seems like a lovely my boyfriend is from there. ^_^  

  9. I don't know about the country, but Indian people always smell of curry, if I'm out shopping I can always tell if one is near because of the smell. I'm not being rude, it's true, but i do love Indian food!

  10. I think their culture is beautiful and interesting. So many things are so different...

  11. The people definatly have strong morals, I've never met a person from India who wanted to rip me off or be unfair. They are respectful, hard working, loyal and gentle. They are very often shy and quiet. I haven't been to the country but I have heard it is very beautiful.    

  12. I am Indian, I like India in many ways, simplicity, peoples' beilief in family bondings, etc. but India is progressing very slowly, I think India can be bright only if the indian public is more educated and if the public start raising the voices against the wrong things the politicians do.

  13. Never met one yet who is not hard working

    friendly and civil.They always respect there

    aged and looked after them extremely well.

    Also same with the kids,they always do

    well at school.UK

    India is one country i would like

    to i have herd only good

    about it.

  14. I do not know any Indians but they seem to be a gentle race.

  15. Lovely same as any other weirdo!

  16. I'm from Sri Lanka n it really annoys me that ppl think i'm Indian at first glance!

    India's alright, but SL is WAY better!

  17. The indian that are born in usa or immigrated to usa and lived here for a long time are phony and snobbish.

  18. i've been to india 3 times, and enjoy it each time because it's a different experience- the roads may not be clean, and there is quite a lot of poverty, but there are some extremely beautiful places- with nothing artificial.  

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