
What is your opinion about nuclear energy?

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What is your opinion about nuclear energy?




  1. its an energy derived from fusion of radioactive substances. supposed to be clean source of power not unless we think how & where did these substances came from(mined)? and how&what will happen to its waste(toxic)? our future doesn't have any choice using it no matter how we think of their side or after effects coz it will be the cheapest source of mass electrification in the near future to light our cities as well as run our factories especially when our main source now which is the fossil fuel runs out. did we ever think that those bigger&taller buildings just sprout up without ever compromising how many trees for its wood were cut, how many mountains & hills were mined & flattened for its steel& cement. This world is paying the price each time we pursue our dream of modern development. its an inevitable truth we must face. hope NASA can find another planet for my great great grandchildren so they can experience STARWARS like life in the future....

  2. In theory nuclear power is a clean power source (no CO2, SOx, NOx, no mercury) but one must remember the radioactive waste.  We currently have no safe, long term method of disposal. We bury it, dump it in ocean trenches and burn it.  Transportation of this waste could lead to disasterous spills.  Low level radioactive waste is bad enough but there is also long term wastes.

    Think for a minute that plutonium has a 240,000 year half life. That means that in that time it will still be half as radioactive as it is today.  Think again that the first humanoid left Africa about 75,000-100,00 years ago.  In this context when a time equal to all of human history has past, this will still be the most poisonous substance on earth (90% as radioactive as today).  

    We must realize we are creating eternal poisons and ignoring the possibilties of geologic shift that happen over time. We're just hoping that things will work out.

    Until we seriously consider what to do with the waste product, I am against it.

    And don't forget that people (contractors, technicians, engineers) will mess up. It's inevitable that accidents will occur at some time (hopefully rarely) but a nuclear accident is nothing to mess with.

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