
What is your opinion about?

by Guest33685  |  earlier

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Fransisco "Maza" Rodriguez? Many argue that he's a average

defender and doesn't deserve to be playing in Europe. I believe

that he is a great defender. above average, can manage his own

against high quality players except, "cracks," but there are only a

few of those in the world. And in his league he doesn't face

them, Champions League would be the only place he might come

against a CR7, Messi, or etc..

P.S. Ignore any ignorant comment

Dynamo might make.




  1. I think Magallon deserved it more (to play in Europe).  

  2. It may sound funny..but after he cut his hair his play was actually good. He is a solid player. His height is a great advantage and he has made a few headers as well. He may be a bit slow but his marking is good enough to look past that. He will work hard that's for sure. Magallon should have left chivas. He's so good. But oh well..good luck Maza!

  3. uuuh huu..your question is pointless and yes he does suck

  4. Maza was a great defender with chivas but in alot of his games he played for mexico he was getting beat on the one on ones and really didn"t use his height to his advantage but i think he is going to be a good fit with his new club  

  5. I think Maza has really grown as a player. There was a point in his career when he was booed every time he touched the ball in Chivas stadium. But he did it the hard way. Calladito, he player better and better. It came to the point where he was alonside Johnny Magallon in el Tri all the time. and now Europe. Good for him, hes really earned it

  6. well at first he was a little shakey but over the years he has matured alot more and has been more consistent i think he will have a pretty decent year in psv

  7. i hope he does good. that will open doors for alot of mexican defenders.

  8. Maza does goes up but when he does he's pretty good, But when he does go up somebody else takes his spot while he's playing up like say Maza is going up Pineda might go back and defend and wait for him to come back and go to there regular positions. I think Maza is great also.  A lot of people say Magallon should have gone and I agree but Maza is a pretty good defender also and I think he's going to do good. I think he's 25 or 26, either way he's great.  

  9. Chivas Holanda!

  10. his strengths is his marking in the air he's great at it obviously asince he's so tall. He also can header to score on corners. I think his weakness is one on ones but i do think he's a solid defender and so does PSV since him and salcido are the starting center defenders. I don't think he should start over magallon or galindo in the seleccion but should definitely be on the team.

  11. he is a great defender, he is solid in the back, and is tall which is a plus to being a defender especially in europe....when he first started with chivas he was playing really good, but then he started making stupid mistakes, but then again he began to show his quality, I was a lil surprised when he left to PSV, but not compleatly surprised because he showed he has the skill to play in europe, now he is a starter in the pre season and we just have to wait and see when the real preassure falls on him in big tourneys like the Eredivisie or Champions....but i think he will do good, plus Salcido is their to give him pointers....

  12. well somtimes with chivas he played like a mid going up like a forward sometimes, so like if your losing you might want to keep him in or sub him in

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