
What is your opinion about "lewd acts" in public (lewd meaning driven by lust) like basically public s*x? ?

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I heard its becoming more and more common and some people enjoy it because its a taboo... LOL while other just do it to have the pleasure of saying they did I just wanted to know what you guys think.

And if any of you guys have tried it what was your experience?




  1. I don't have a problem with it at all. america is basically a country of prudes who think s*x is dirty, perverted and wrong, and needs to hide s*x and nudity at any cost.

    I saw one question the other day asking if was allright to have s*x with the kid asleep upstairs, jeesh.

  2. I personally find it repulsive when people do it for the 'shock value'. It puts me off when they go over the top and it's just an attention-grabbing gimmick. Lust, however driven, is still a private matter between mature individuals, and whatever the desires, are best enacted in privacy (or a privately naughty place).

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