
What is your opinion about the Osettian-Georgian conflict and about Russian troops in Georgia?

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  1. I  think it is clear that the Georgian oil (pipeline) is the target and that the Russian state does not want a democracy on their southern border.

    Russia and her ally Iran want nothing to do with having a NATO member state in Georgia.  Russia was very vociferous in opposition regarding this possibility.  Russia want to re establish the USSR and the Iranians the Ottoman Empire, the current situation with a democracy there in Georgia is right in the middle of the Turkish (Ottoman), Russian , Iranian triangle.  

    Russian nostalgia for the old Soviet States is growing stronger not waning. Putin has never been secretive about his desire for the old nation state's union to be reestablished. No less secretive, in fact, than the Muslim Brotherhood (Estab.: 1928 (Wahhabis)) has been regarding their desire to reestablish the Ottoman Empire.

    These nation building hegemonies will use all tools including religion to fulfill their goals.

    This is a VERY DANGEROUS situation in the CUACUSES.

    Be very clear that this is the next step in World War Three that started with the abduction of Americans years ago in Iran during what we called the Iranian Hostage Crisis.  Remember the USS Cole, the World Trade Center Bombing, the World Trade Center destruction…were all actions undertaken by these war mongers…Iran, Russia and the Muslim Brotherhood (a nation without borders).

    New elections in early 2004 swept Mikheil SAAKASHVILI into power along with his National Movement party. Progress on market reforms and democratization has been made in the years since independence, but this progress has been complicated by two ethnic conflicts in the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. These two territories remain outside the control of the central government and are ruled by de facto, unrecognized governments, supported by Russia. Russian-led peacekeeping operations continue in both regions.

    chief of state: President Mikheil SAAKASHVILI (since 25 January 2004); the president is both the chief of state and head of government for the power ministries: state security (includes interior) and defense

    head of government: President Mikheil SAAKASHVILI (since 25 January 2004); Prime Minister Vladimir "Lado" GURGENIDZE (since 19 November 2007); the president is both the chief of state and head of government for the power ministries: state security (includes interior) and defense; the prime minister is head of the remaining ministries of government

    cabinet: Cabinet of Ministers

    elections: president elected by popular vote for a five-year term (eligible for a second term); election last held 5 January 2008 (next to be held January 2013)

    election results: Mikheil SAAKASHVILI reelected president; percent of vote - Mikheil SAAKASHVILI 53.5%, Levan GACHECHILADZE 25.7%, Badri PATARKATSISHVILI 7.1%

  2. I think george bush is out of his mind he's in china talking badd about them. we're fighting a war ,and hes mouthing off with russia. hes asking for war with no one to fight.he's sick and needs to be ...i wish i could speek my mind but i'll get reported everyone can fill in the blanks.but he's putting all of us americans at risk.i wish he hurry up and leaves office .

  3. If Georgia did to us what they did to Russia we'd have obliterated them.

  4. The Georgian minister is a Zionist puppet and was told to invade Osettia, which was a big mistake. Now Russia has taken over half of Georgia and Georgia's minister should be tried by Russia as a war criminal and put in prison, just like Bush should be for what he did to Iraq.

  5. I really feel bad for Georgia. They came for us for help, and we promised that help, And yet, we still haven't done anything. We made them our ally, and we abandoned them when they needed us. I personally think we need to go in to Georgia as peace-keepers.  

  6. Russia was justified in it's response. our leaders are using Georgia as a proxy against the Russians. Do you think the US would let Russia put missile defense systems in Mexico and Canada? Heck no. the US wants  Georgia in NATO for that purpose. Right now there is a propaganda war going on against the American people, who are told that Russia invaded Georgia for no reason, when it was Georgia who attack S Osettia and killed 2000 people and 12 Russian troops.

  7. They both are same. The Georgian are not a sages and Russian too.

    Stalin was Georgian. he was not a Russian.

    democracy what do you mean democracy.  one person killing another for peace of land.  democracy is that where people live happily and respect others.  I am Indian.  I was in Georgia for one week.  I never saw any respect for others.  even youth didn't give a sit for elder person in the local buses.

  8. Georgia is like a little kid who threw a rock at a hornets nest and now feels betrayed by the world because they're getting stung.

    Their leader seems to have not put any thought at all as to what would happen if they launched an attack on the Russians in S. Ossetia, but now he knows.  

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