
What is your opinion about the fact that a australian tourist was killed in Mikonos,Greece?

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  1. There are no words to express my sadness about it. May the man rest in peace. May the gangsters responsible be punished in this life but still nothing will bring the young man back.May the parents find strength to live  without their son.

    I only hope you are sad about this as well. You obviously speak Greek so l write a little something for you " μακάριοι οι πτωχοί τω πνευματι οτι αυτών εστίν η βασιλεία των ουρανών".


  2. condolences to the family.  

  3. I am very sad about it, i hope he rests in peace and my dearest condolences go to his family, i hope they go through it ok after loosing their young son.

  4. You should be ASHAMED to use the death of an innocent person as a propaganda tool.

    What do YOU think our opinion is? I was left speechless when I heard what happened. May he rest in peace. His murderers will face the consequences now.

  5. I agree with all the others above. Also, you should have posted this to the Events/News section.  In addition I bet you've read the news these last couple of days:  a girl was found in pieces (Brazil),  a couple was shot in Antigua, a man was stabbed and decapitated (Canada).  This shows that unfortunately bad things happen everywhere & there are  people everywhere who go too far and are very violent .  Unfortunately... I feel very shocked these days,  I 've lost my sleep but then again this does not help the victims.  My heart and my mind is 24/7 to all the grieving families because I know it could have been a person close to me,  I wish my thoughts and prayers bring some peace to their hearts.  

  6. I am so very sorry that a young man lost his life this way!!!  I also feel sorry for you cause you spend time trying to find negative stuff about Greece.Get a life man!!

  7. Quit trolling, man...

    Greece is not Nigeria or Somalia...

  8. look at this group at facebook

    till now has 1.686 member and most of them are be accurate almost all.

    everyone is shocked and sad about this.

    Gangsta are all over the world,and i am suprised why you dont post questions in USA section's about the gangester killing little kids,as in other countrie's as well.

    Its pretty bad for you,even the father didnt say anything bad about the greeks,but you,in this terrible moment of loss,you dont even respect them and you are being provocatour and bad....

    i feel sorry for you,pathetic is the least i can say

    but most i feel sorry about  the kid...may he rest in peace :'(

  9. I hope the ones who did this thing will rot in jail for the rest of their lives.

    I also hope you took a moment to think about the young man who lost his life before your post.

  10. Greek people are shocked, but I bet you are happy about his death. Now you can continue your propaganda. It's so sad that you used this. You are unconscionable. Even the racist hate you have against Greece can't be more important than the memory of a young man that's not even buried yet. I hope you understand this.

  11. All the Greek people are shocked and very very sad.

    This kind of people are everywhere in the planet , unfortunately, and must (and will) be punished.

    The father even in his big sadness said that he thanks the Greek authorities, the doctors and everyone who helped his son.

    He said also that he knows the Greek hospitality and that Greek people are very friendly and warm and they were simply unlucky with this incident.

    May the boy rest in peace. It's a big tragedy when a young person dies.

  12. I don't really understand the actual purpose of your question...

    His being a foreigner, an Australian or any other citizenship, has obviously nothing to do with the motive for this murder. And in nightclubs, such horrible fights ,wich unfortunately turn into lethal accidents , happen in every city of any country around the world.

    I want to express my condoleances to this young man's family.

    And I hope the criminals who killed him will be prosecuted and jailed forever.

    You cannot blame whole Greece just because of a couple of *astards who cowardly attacked an innocent guy in a nightclub.

    Recently, in London 2 French students had been tortured and killed  by knives by 2 young Brits.

    Do you think the whole UK was responsible for this crime ?

    In Spain, a Spaniard killed an Ukrainian woman who had refused his marriage proposal.

    Is whole Spain guilty ?

    A German truck-driver raped and killed several women who where hitchiking in Belgium, France and Spain ...

    Are you going to blame whole Germany ?

    In Turkey, a sick pervert raped and killed a UK tourist

    Should whole Turkey be sued for this murder ?

    In France, a French pedophile raped and killed a 7 years old Morrocan girl.

    Do you think French people weren't horrified by this barbary ?

    In Colombia, a couple of Italians were shot in the head because they refused to give their wallet to some stray thiefs.

    Are all Colombians criminals ?

    In Brazil, an American man had fallen into the "love "trap of a young Brazilian woman whom she met on the internet, and he has been killed and robbed  by the girl's accomplice, that is to say her real boy-friend.

    Are all Brazilians robbers and killers ?

    Stop prejudice...That kind of clichés just spread negative propaganda...

  13. It is very, very sad, but don´t blame Greece for that. Sadly enough people get killed all over the world in tourist resorts or even near your home or the porch of your home, God bless it will not happen, just want to point out that there are evil people all over the world!

    My thoughts also goes to the family of the boy, I am so sorry for their loss.

  14. I feel horrible about it.My sincere condolences to the family.

    Terrible thinks happen every day,remember the little girl that was taken last year in Portugal What is your opinion about that?

  15. Came on Allan... Do you want me to tell you that I'm happy with that?Of course we are not, because we have heart and we all know how sad could be to lose someone.

    what happened in Mukonos happen In everywhere! It can happen In EUA, In your country, In Australia, In England and also In my country.

    What I can say, not to you, and yes to all people who feels sorry for this, that's how the life Is... etsi einai h zwh!

    One day I will go, one day you will too!

    Don't play with this and don't try to show a bad Image of Greece...

    Animal people we have in everywhere and they will pay for It. As a person I feel deeply sorry, These monsters are not Greeks, they are monsters, they don't have paxion, they don't have life, they don't have heart, they don't have country, they don't have nacionality.

    We all feel sorry because we have heart and we know how difficult It Is.


  16. these kind of events happen all around the world

  17. I'm sorry to say this, but that shows the way Greeks treat foreigners.

  18. You poor man life must be a lonley honestley spend all this time searching for anything that add to your propaganda against greece ..i mean what is your promblem? . you really should seek profesional help.. ohhhhhhhhhhhh you said FACT..dint you...yes..WELL   FACT  THE KID WAS A THIEF, FACT...... i mean i can see you chasing him and god knows what else you may do to him, if it was your property..the bouncers are there for that sort of thing..did they use too much force?  we dont know we as in you and i where not there.. who really knows how it went down?again your pointing your finger .and jumping the gun before all FACTS are bought in the open.....we dont know what the juducial decisions are as yet...but let me tell you every week end at least where  you come from and i.. there are bounceses storys  who allegedy use too much force or are forced to use it..but you obviously havent faced a professional and desperate thief..they are the most dangerous of criminals..thier only thought is to not get caught or identified..and i have seen people get knifed for a mere few dollars all because the thief was really should look in your own back yard allan..your country exported convicts to australia and america and most of them where thieves and murderes..

  19. you should really feel ashamed and feel remorses about this stupid question that hides a propaganda against Greece....OK,we all know that you consider(ALL FYROMIANS)us(GREEK) as enemies but plz not now...It's obvious that Greece as a country and the Greek government is not to blame...Everywhere you can find bad and good people....

    My condolence to his family ...I DO FEEL THEIR PAIN at this difficult moment...

  20. We are all sad for this  and we express our sympathy to the parents of this young boy. Such things must not happen anywhere in the world and especially in Greece where from the ancient times the stranger "Xenos" was a divine person and no one could ever think to bother any stranger.

    We all hope and will work that never happen again .


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