
What is your opinion about the movie " A Night in the Museum"?

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"A night in the museum" was very fun to watch.

All the statues came to life.

Who among all of you think what happened in the museum might really happen? If so, why or how?

In my opinion, I don't think so.




  1. I really want to see this movie - it looks great!  There's something wonderful and mysterious about museums....I like to think that something like that can definitely happen after dark and when they're closed and empty....then the adult part of me says 'don't be silly'!  I say anything's possible!

  2. The movie was good the first time, but I had to watch it a second time and it wasn't as good the second time.

    Hmm... I've seen stranger things. Really I have. And I suppose it's possible, but I don't think it would just happen on its own like that. Or even by some shiny tablet, depending on just what sort of tablet it is.

  3. it's entertaiment,a good comedy movie,but in reality it won't happen,i agree with you

  4. I think it is hilarious!!I love owen wilson too. they made a good choose. to put him in it!!

  5. I haven't seen it, I heard it was good.

  6. It would be nice to think there  is something more out there but don't think  what happened in the movie is really going to happen. It does for me cause i have a great imagination.

  7. Salvia is legal.

  8. I thought it was a good film that i can watch with my nephew without having to worry about muting or covering his eyes in some bits as its all clean which is rare for films these days.

  9. I did not watch the movie but my kids and my husband did .. they liked it and my son is now slapping everyone like the monkey!!

  10. i dont thin it would ever happen. Maybe in the tribulation. but no. not not.

    The movie was funny though.

  11. The cavemen reminded me of the Geico commercials.  And Atilla the Hun and his men reminded me of the Capital One commercials.

    It was like comic relief in the middle of a comedy.

  12. I am 20 years old and both my girlfriend and I absolutely loved the movie. That would never happen tho.

  13. Don't think so. I don't believe in ancient hocus pocus.

  14. i loved it

    i have weird dreams about it tho...i'm weird

  15. it can never happen. very funny movie though.

  16. How do you know what goes on after the lights go out and the doors are closed? Boo!  A Museum! Cool!  I would hang out with the Huns.  Lots of screaming and breaking of things.  Sounds like these guys know how to P A R T Y!

  17. My daughter loved it.  It plays on the fascination children have of what goes on when noones around.

  18. At first I thought is was kinda stupid but as the movie went along I liked it and thought it was nice and funny.

  19. I highly doubt that. The movie was great. It made me want to go to the museum.

  20. I know it will never happen but it was a really good movie. (-:

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