
What is your opinion about the show "Brothers and Sisters" take on adoption?

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Will this show influence others to exhaust options before adoption or skip the other options and "jump" to adoption? Are you 'happy' or 'sad' that shows have adoption involved in the plot versus simply childbirth?




  1. asknfdas

  2. Love it!!! As a parent getting ready to adopt our 3rd child, I applaud the writers of any show that include adoption.  I thought it was a pretty realistic story line... I suffered for years with fibroid tumors. I am older and really had to grieve the whole idea of not being able to experience pregnancy.  I met my husband after my hysterectomy and he was very cool with the whole idea of adoption, much like Rob Lowe's character .  Adoption is not an afterthought, nor a last's just one of many choices a couple has when deciding to have a baby.  I love that my kids' generation will not have to hang their heads in shame because they were adopted.  Just giving birth doesn't necessarily make you a parent.

  3. I typically loathe how all tv programs handle adoption. I don't think it's something that can adequately or accurately be portrayed by tv dramas (and particularly comedies - anyone see "The King of Queens" finale? It was sickening).

    The nature of tv programs is to tie things up in neat little packages - with the timing based upon the demands of a season, not on anything even approaching reality.

    The adoption itself is glossed over, they rely on cliches, adoption is often "the last resort" rather than something they have carefully considered and are pursuing because it is what they want rather than their second choice. It is presented as though bringing the baby home is the end of the story for involved.

    But, by the same token - it is television. It's not real life. There wouldn't be much entertainment value in a story line that took two years for a character to adopt, or honest discussion about issues the child will face, or any sense of doing what is best for the child rather than a character "getting a baby."

    So much damage has been done already by all of the Lifetime movies about adoption, and the "Adoption Story" shows. I have not watched the entire episode of Brothers & Sisters (will finish it tonight), but perhaps they will be the exception? Perhaps their "handling" of adoption will be akin to their "handling" of the g*y story lines? One can have hope ....

    ETA: Having now finished the show, I guess I'd reserve judgement. Will be interested to see how they play it out. Hoping that the fact that Calista Flockhart is an AP will influence the way in which they handle it. If they have a baby by next week, I think I'd have to stop watching the show.

  4. I think it is good showing the aspect of adoption but I am also glad that she said it is hard to just forget about ever being pregnant.  It is hard to give that up and yes adoption is out there but it is so hard on couples when people say well you can always just adopt.  For one it makes adoption a last resort thing which it is not and for two it doesn't make the couple feel better.

  5. I think it doesn't matter to me either way.  I also don't think that this show will influence others to that great of an extent.  Obviously, a bigger influence is your means and what you are able to afford or not when it comes to fertility treatments.  I happen to like the show and watched it last night and I thought the part where the one sister said to the other one something along the lines of what she remembered about her pregnancy were the aches and pains and what her son remembered was nothing and that what really mattered was the child, not how they came to be your child.

  6. Girl, i'm just excited to find out who's playing Ryan

    but of course, i feel great that the McCallister's would adopt.

    it's already obvious that there's no way for Kitty to actually have the baby come out of her body. and it's hard to find a surrogate.

  7. I think it is fine that they have an adoption story line because adoption is Not Wrong and it is nice to see a show that will be adding family through adoption.  More Power to Them!

  8. I actually guessed they were going to adopt last week :D. I think it is a good thing considering my parents have adopted a beautiful baby girl from China because my mom was to old to have another baby. She fits into our family so well, we totally forget she is adopted. All that matters is that she is happy and healthy. She has changed our lives (for the better) and we have no idea how we ever lived without her. We dont want to know. She's a blessing just like a biological child.

  9. Yes. Some women unfortunately cannot have children and desperately want them. Plus there are so many children in this world who need loving homes.

    I do not agree with ALL of their story lines, but as a whole, I like the show.

  10. I think they will look at it from an adoptive parents point of view.  They may go to the story line and adopt an older child, that woudl be interesting but more likely they will do the adopt a baby storyline...I mean really they are a rich white couple and will easily find a baby......okay that was sarcasm.  It will depend how it plays out I guess.

    More interesting was on 30 Rock where Tina Fey decided to adopt, and Alec Baldwin said "let me help you out with that I have lots of connections".  That alas, is more realistic to the American adoption experience.....

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