
What is your opinion about this? (it's long, don't open if you are not prepared to read it.)?

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A friend called me one night in late November to talk. Her boyfriend wasn’t at home and she was a little scared of some noises. They had lived in that little house out in the countryside for years and strange noises had never bothered her before. The sounds from the woods surrounding the house and the animals in it were something that she was used to, but the noise she was hearing was different. She told me that it sounded as if a man walked up the steps to their front door, stomped his feet to get the snow of his boots and then opened the door. The first time she thought is was a friend that came to visit and went to the hallway to greet him, but there was no one there. The second time she went to the hallway she thought someone was playing a prank on her and she opened the front door to yell at him. It had been snowing and there were no tracks in the snow. That’s when she called me.

(continues in add on)




  1. A spirit can't kill someone, let alone cause them to die the same way they did. So the only other explanation (if it was related at all) is that she could have been having some sort of premonition. I know I dreamed about my Great Grandpa being with some of our family who had already moved on a few months before he actually died.

    It's not all that uncommon for someone to not know they have a problem like that. My uncle didn't know that he was born with a heart condition until just a few months ago when the symptoms started.

    All in all, I wouldn't worry about it. Either way nothing will change what happened. Just be there for your friend, she most definitely needs people watching out for her right now.

  2. lol...thats really superb and i had a good time reading it...

    well i think ur rite...there might be some connections between these incidents..

  3. Oh my God, that's very scary!!!

    It is not a coincidence. It is connected!!!

    Your friend have sensed spirits before her boyfriend's death and that was a message. Don't let things turn worse now.

    Bad spirits are true because I myslef have experienced having one to show up and laugh at me.

    I don't believe that those spirits were the spirits of the people who lived before in the house. They are just following the image of the dead people and seem to act the same as well. They are another kind of spirits.

    You better try to get an expert for this. Christians can help and please ask in the Name of God to protect you from harm and evil.

  4. First of all, you're reaching pretty far here.  You are assuming a lot of things too.  You are in essence saying your friend could have heard into the future and that what she heard was the stomping feet of her b/f?  If that's the case, then what did her living in the house formerly owned by someone who died of heart failure have to do with anything?  Are you saying her b/f died of heart failure (from a congenital condition) because she lived in a house formerly occupied by someone who died of heart failure?

    You have two separate issues here.

    1.) Stomping noises

    2.) B/f dying of heart failure.

    I don't see how these two issues can be related except that she lives in a house in which the former owner's death was similar to what caused her b/f to die.  The b/f issue is a congenital heart problem, so the only real issue here is the noise she heard.

    It sounds to me like she spooked herself out.  There are many possible causes of the noises she heard, none of which are paranormal.  Since she didn't investigate very thoroughly I'm afraid she may never know what caused the noises, unless they have happened again.

  5. Maybe the house still held the sounds/vibrations of the man that had died there. Maybe he always stomped his feet (to get the dirt or snow off) and always walked up the steps to his bedroom. Maybe he did it so many times that the house kept these sounds. (I know nothing about houses holding vibrations or sounds etc) I've heard if  God sends you a warning about a death...He'll tell you a way to avoid it. I really don't know. I don't see how this had anything to do with her boyfriend dieing.

    EDIT..Did you notice that EVERYBODY got a thumbs down?? What's that about???

  6. The death is more likely an astral groove rather than a spirit. These phenomenons are often confused with eachother.

    Every event imprints itself on the astral plane. These imprints, such as a tense atmosphere in a room after a fight, usually fade quite quickly. If stronger emotions have been involved these grooves can become semipermanent. The astral influences the material so they can become self reinforcing by happening again and again.

    Astral grooves can be removed just as spirits can, there are several methods such a visualisations and such as well as direct manipulation of the astral plane.

  7. Wow, this is interesting.

    I'm not really good at solving caes like these.

    But Idk, I think you should hire a ghost buster!

  8. Sounds like a coinicidence to me

  9. The most common ghost/paranormal event is the foot step sounds.  Hard to say any of it was related to the death. There is a theory about pre-death visitation's, that someone who is about to die will have a spirit contact them before death.  There are lots of books on this ---

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