my little brother of 14 years of age commited suicide june16,2008 he was in the hospital for 2 days and he didnt make it ..he was berried june23,2008.i had to sit there and watch my little brother suffer in the hospital for two days with tubes down his throat and on a machine helping him breath..wile i could do nothing about it but hold his hand and stay strong for him.he was such a friendly kid and would help the world if he could,he commited suicide because of this girl he was with for 1 year and broke up with him one day for no reason.he was hurt and always told people he couldnt take the pain no more,but no one thought he would do something so hurtful to his self and others ....i cant stand the fact that he would go and do such a horable thing to him self ,when he had so much more to live for..he was so young and barley experenced life son was juss born 8 months before he did that.he didnt even no his uncle all that well:'( i was juss wondering if any one ever went through something is horable as this and if so..please tell me how u felt and how u handled your situation.thank you so much..