
What is your opinion and did this ever happend to you?

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my little brother of 14 years of age commited suicide june16,2008 he was in the hospital for 2 days and he didnt make it ..he was berried june23,2008.i had to sit there and watch my little brother suffer in the hospital for two days with tubes down his throat and on a machine helping him breath..wile i could do nothing about it but hold his hand and stay strong for him.he was such a friendly kid and would help the world if he could,he commited suicide because of this girl he was with for 1 year and broke up with him one day for no reason.he was hurt and always told people he couldnt take the pain no more,but no one thought he would do something so hurtful to his self and others ....i cant stand the fact that he would go and do such a horable thing to him self ,when he had so much more to live for..he was so young and barley experenced life son was juss born 8 months before he did that.he didnt even no his uncle all that well:'( i was juss wondering if any one ever went through something is horable as this and if so..please tell me how u felt and how u handled your situation.thank you so much..




  1. Wow Im sorry You had to go through such a bad experience..It really sad how young teenagers take easy way out of their issues. Im sorry you little brother had to be a victim of serious Depression. Depression affect 85% of teenagers wrold wide. You need to find strength within yourself and stay strong for that baby of yours. Also find lots of faith in jesus.


  2. I am so very sorry about your little brother.  I know right now that you and the family are suffering so much.  Time heal sll wounds and time will heal yours.

    I haven't experienced a suiside death but my sisters has.   Her  husband committed suicide and she had 3 children.  Her oldest son found his father in the office at home.  He came home and gave the children some money to go out to eat.  My sister was not at home, she had gone some where with a friend.

    While the children were gone he shot himself in the head.  The family was devastated and confused.  He did leave a note to his wife.

    Time heals all wounds.  The children had to go to school and my sister had to find a job for the first time in her life for there was no insurance money.  Life became very hard for all of them and it still is.

    A suicide is harder to get over than a natural death is.  The community where they lived were very nice and supportive of them but they had no idea what a mess he left his family in.

    At first my sister hated him for doing that to himself and leaving his family destitute.   She never told the children why he committed suicide

    she didn't want them to think even less of him than they already did for wanting to him them.

    They all made it just fine, they all had to work, the children had to work themselves through college for there was no money to send them on.  They all three became successful people.

    My sister is still having a tough time financially and she is not well.

    She does not hate her husband any more but disappointed in him that he would take his on life and cause so much pain to those he left behind.  She had been very angry that he would do that to himself and she stayed angry about it for a long time because it hurt her and the children so much.  You can't live in angar all the time.  There finally comes a time when you have to put it behind you and forgive.  


  3. Im sorry for your loss and suffering:(

    I have worked with spirit who have passed over after taking their own lives- and I think the hardest thing for them is that even they dont know why they did it- it may have seem justified when they thought about it but 9-10 spirit who have taken their own lives will not see the light for quite some time because they really dont want to cross over- they dont understand why they get stuck between earth and the after life.

    The hardest thing for them is that they dont actually want to leave their loved ones, they just cant handle life on eart- another reason why they get stuck between earth and after life.

    Your brother tells me about a bear- i think its referring to a pet name that was used, or possibly a teddy bear which is connection to your baby. He loves his nephew very much and wants you to know that he has crossed over and he misses you very much, he knows what you were saying was hard for you when you talked to him in hospital and it hurt him that he couldnt reply. Your son has seen him and as he gets older watch out for when he has an "imaginary friend" when he sees his friend make sure you tell your son to give him a hug and a wave from you.

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