
What is your opinion of 40oz malt liquor?

by Guest59528  |  earlier

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What is your opinion of 40oz malt liquor?




  1. For one person?  A bit excessive wouldn't you think?

  2. COBRA its made by bud , you can get 16 oz , tried them all, it the best,

  3. It's to be poured on the big round booties of hoochie mamas.

  4. It's p**s, and to be left for the homeless to consume.

  5. When I have the taste for it I buy 22oz or a 12 pack of Steelies! ≈≈

    And 8 1/2%!


  6. its very ghtto

  7. One word.


  8. i drink one if im feeling ghetto... i actually enjoy the novelty of drinking one out of a brown paper bag (while at a party or something) .. definately not my beer (drink) of choice...  

    i came across this website of 40 reviews it has just about every 40 you can think of over 600 40's.(this guys liver must be screwed) i found it entertaining... he also has the worlds largest collection of 40 oz bottles...

    i think malt liqour is pritty much made for the poor.. but ocassionally you will come across a good malt liquor in a 40 oz bottle... like dogfish head liquer de malt... and i think rogue brewery also makes one..

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