
What is your opinion of Affirmative Action?

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You know you were more qualified for that job!




  1. I'm against it.

  2. My opinion is that it is something that should have NEVER been enacted.  You don't bring about equality with government enforced discrimination.  If discrimination against one group or class of people is wrong, then it is wrong in any form, period.  This is not something that needs to be made more complicated that what it is.  

  3. I was way more qualified then that black guy! Affirmative Action is ridiculous and if you support it you should feel stupid because affirmative action is for lazy people

  4. I think Affirmative Action had it's place 40+ years ago.  It's outlived itself and is now a program designed to discriminate.  

  5. It was a good idea, but it didn't work.  To fix a problem, you have to get to the root cause, and affirmative action tried to fix a problem where it manifested itself (just like most of the government "solutions").    

  6. where equal rights cannot exist defacto.. then equal rights should be legislated..

    it's a lesser of 2 evils

    i'm 100% for affirmative action

  7. reverse discrimination    plain and simple

  8. It's a program that has lasted way beyond it's time & needs to end..

  9. Tell that to Hillary clinton.....

  10. Affirmative action was never a good idea.  It should never have been implemented.  To force companies to hire an unqualified person because of his skin color or s*x is a bad idea.  Equal opportunity.  If you were not hired because of your race than we have an issue.  

  11. I think it's wrong.

  12. Affirmative action is ok but not for the presidency.

  13. This is a huge drag on the economy.

    the net result is you have unqualified people making bad decisions and doing poor work.

    I for one left the corporate world to start my own business and that worked very well for me.  I did this in part because of affirmative action.  The other side of this is my skills were not magnified as they might be in a corporate environment.  Again though I don't complain personally because I am much better off than I would have been.

  14. Looking at all the major cities where crime is the norm, I don't see where it's done much to improve the minorities, Kind of like Africa, we've been sending billions over there for years, teaching them how to grow food, once the teachers left they forgot what they learned, the white farmers there were drove from their farms and killed that once fed them.

    If Obama were to win, America would soon be just like Africa. It already is in places like Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, etc.

    Affirmative action is stupid and reverse racism.

  15. It sucks

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