
What is your opinion of America revisiting nuclear power as a cure for the current energy (alleged) crisis?

by Guest32044  |  earlier

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What is your opinion of America revisiting nuclear power as a cure for the current energy (alleged) crisis?




  1. i think it is the best thing we can do in terms of energy it is very efficient and cheap and very safe although some people may not believe that

  2. Everyone says we need to be more like Europe. WELL Europe gets most of it's electricity from Nuclear power. They lock down wind turbines in California when the birds migrate. They lock them down at night in the Midwest to prevent bats from getting whacked. They won't allow them off of Cape Cod because they may effect the view.  Solar panels take more energy to make then they will produce over their life span.  Hydro Electric dams hurt the fish, and frogs. Seems like what ever you want to do SOME-ONE won't like it. Our Nuclear power plants have always been safer than USSR plants ever were. With the right safe guards, Nuclear Power is a safe clean source of power.  Those that believe in MAN MADE CO2 RELATED GLOBAL WARMING should love to have us produce all of our power via Nuclear power plants. No CO2 emissions.  No soot. No chemical byproducts spewing into the air.  They used to not be cost efficient. At the present price of OIL they would be a cheaper source of power. OR we could just burn coal. Take your pick.

  3. In my previous life, I worked in the power generation industry. My career started in power plants fueled by oil. They have since been converted to burn natural gas, due to the price of crude oil. Shortly thereafter I worked in a plant fueled by coal. After many years of griping by the general public and a subsequent lawsuit by the "greenies", "tree huggers" and other groups of similar ilk, this source of relatively cheap power was shut down to comply with the lawsuit settlement. During this time, nuclear power has continued to show itself  as an economical power source, clean, safe (following the safeguards), and highly scrutinized. Coal is also now getting a second look, with a new technology to "clean" it up prior to combustion. As before, I was told "there is no such thing as clean coal". The only way to clean anything pertaining to coal, is to mitigate the products of the combustion process. It matters not to me which type of fuel is the answer to our energy problem. Someone out there is going to pitch a ***** about it for whatever reason. I guess I'm also a little pissed off that no one has stepped up to the plate to say " Let's do it this way, pump a little money into the idea, give it a chance to see if this will work, and Oh ****ing well if you don't like it." Problem is, that type of thinking is likely to step on someone's toes, and we sure can't have that.

  4. It takes 10 years to build a nuclear power plant.

    Getting rid of the waste is expensive.

    It makes another target for terrorists to attack.

    We could build enough windmills in 2 to 5 years to supply electricity for every house in America and free up all of the coal to be used as biodeisel fuel.

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