
What is your opinion of Chinese psychic research?

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  1. Yes, but this is from people who believe in Feng Shui, so I don't hold much for their thinking.

    I am sure they are taking it all very serious, but they are the Chinese, they take everything serious. Doesn't mean they are right in their thinking it just means they are serious about it. Tom Cruise is serious about Scientology - go figure.

  2. hmmmm i think that all psychics are frauds.  

    Your brain is actually really good at predicting what will happen next but it just so happens that is more often wrong than right.  Then when it does get it right, people say "oh, i am psychic"

    But also if you get a psychic reading, they tell you what you want to hear and generalizations so everything will so good and right.

  3. There are psychics and then there is the us government.

  4. My head can't hold all that I'll just guess. Maybe since there are SO MANY people in China..there are also lots more spirits hanging around there. So... the children would be able to pick up more spirits than children in the USA.  Maybe what being psychic means is that there are spirits hanging around us and they can read the thoughts of other people and then tell us what they're thinking. (Kinda like "gossips" in the "real world". ) I've always kinda envisioned  them running over to my house..then running over to the church and telling the preacher what I was thinking...then he talks about it in his sermon. I've thought of it this way for years. I don't have any proof...just seems to make sense to me.

  5. Well as is clearly mentioned in this research..its the person's ability to go in a deep relaxed state that counts for helping to have psychic abilities

    Deenie your logic here is really not happening..its typical western talk for us dont need 'spirits' to can communicate telepathically like you can communicate on a mobile without use of spirits

  6. This reminds me of the countless books that were published in former USSR with paranormal activities and experiments conducted by organizations of the government.... I once was reading about hypnosis... they were sending people back not only to their previous lives but way back in time.... they said they saw Jesus and Moses and guess what..... they were not really doing what the Bible is telling us...........

    I mean, really the hole thing was for laughs and I am not a religious person.... So I don't trust things like that and just because they are organized by some politicians doesn't make it better....

  7. This was investigated and quite in-depth by Omni during the 90's, Anybody who casually dismisses the findings are either blind or simply can't read. They don't understand something and they automatically judge it as being false and an outright fabrication. It was actually Drunvalo Melchazedic who spearheaded the studies of the phenomenon of Indigo and Crystal children for several years and in numerous countries, including the US. Major countries like China and Russia spend enormous sums annually on research and development, as does the US government, but with an aim at using these abilities and talents for intelligence gathering and more recently, actitivites that are far from passive. One just has to do a bit of research...if people would take the time to approach the subject objectively instead of instantly dismissing the notion, based on their tiny view of the world around them, they might learn. Google Joe McMoneagle, Uri Geller, Ed Danes, Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild...their results are documented. Thousands of people annually participate in remote viewing training programs but they don't go around broadcasting that. Perhaps they should.

    Sorry for the research into this, as far as the Chinese government, is that their testing and evaluation process is quite stringent. If nothing else, they are extremely thorough in their approach and are very much results-oriented. We seldom hear about this because governments fear losing whatever advantage they may have. Not to mention public opinion playing a major hand. This is very top secret, as is the information gleaned from using people with psychic abilities. Look at the UFO controversy...the second link below is updated regularly and even with respectable and credible witnesses like the RAF, people will assume hoax automatically. They haven't seen or experienced it personally so, obviously, it can't be real, right?

    I feel bad for them because they're closing their minds to incredible possibilities. These super psychic children are a fact of life and we will be seeing them much more in the coming years.

  8. I don't know if the Chinese government conducted studies of psi abilities.  I know the US and USSR governments did.  But studying something doesn't mean it exists.  I just means you are exploring possibilities.  And since the US and Russia, as with parapsychologists, don't appear to have accomplished anything, I don't think it's unreasonable to conclude they didn't find anything.

    Also, I wouldn't consider that author to be a reliable source.  My BS detector was going off before I finished the second paragraph.

  9. Thank you for posting this interesting link. I do not know enough about the actual research to offer an informed opinion.

    However, I will comment on the very last part of the page where it stated that the future of psychic research was uncertain. As anyone that has ever attended or worked for a university knows (or I imagine any other research facility) scientific investigation is not motivated by an objective search for the truth but rather by political and monetary interest. This has been a subject of many discussions between ethics panel, institutional review boards, deans, and boards of regents about who to accept research funds from and what research to pursue for many years.

    So I suspect any research continuing and any evidence that is released will depend on those who hold the money and power in China.

    There was a similar situation here in the US when a congressman that was a long standing member of CSI (link below) led the charge to cancel the US Remote Viewing program. The favorable findings by statistician Jessica Utts (link below) were left out of the report but the findings of Ray Hyman (another CSI member) was left in the report.

    I have great confidence that the scientist of China have the ability to conduct scientific research on psi phenomena if the government allows them to pursue such investigations.

    What findings will be released will depend on the beliefs of the government officials.


  10. Not only are these children super psychic but they are Indigos as well.

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