
What is your opinion of Derek Lee? Defense good. Hitting...OVERATED!?

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I think he leads the mlb in hitting into double plays. Do fans still like him for what he did 2 SEASONS ago?




  1. A semi star for his entire career.On the wrong team.

  2. He is handy.

  3. Players are going to hit into double plays. He has hit into many more this year, but his average is still there, and his power numbers are on the climb since his wrist is finally healthy again. Double plays are one stat, and I think it has a lot to do because when he hits it on the ground, he still hits it hard. Double plays are just bad luck, if you roll over on a ball and hit it right at someone, regardless of your speed - and Derrek has a good deal of speed - you're a sitting duck. So maybe his hitting is a little overhyped, but he is an overall good player. Good defense, decent speed, hits for average and some power.

    Super: I completely agree with you. I meant one stat as in you can't look past the other ones, he does some great things on the field as well. That's all I meant by it.

  4. Not as good all around like Pujols

  5. it's not just about defense and hitting, he's a leader and a veteran presence in the clubhouse for that team...his numbers on offense are down, sure, but he's still a gold glove first baseman and a great clubhouse influence

  6. the injury bug is what is killing his career, so far hes been healthy

  7. I think he is still a pretty good hitter. I wouldn't mention him in the same breath as Pujols but still a great player to have on your team.

  8. Well, his 2005 season was far better than any other season of his career. And although he is very good defensively, I don't believe that he deserved a Gold Glove in 2007.

    But I don't know that he's particularly "overrated" outside of Chicago. If anything, his great defense is probably more overrated than his good offense. But you may be right -- that his Pujols-esque season in 2005 has made him a bit overrated as a hitter. It certainly helped him to land a pretty generous contract. Nevertheless, he's a good first baseman and is one of the more likable Cubs players.


    People who say that Pujols isn't good defensively must not watch many Cardinals games. His defense is superb. It's true that his speed is below average, but his base running IQ is far above average. The guy scored from second base on a groundout this year -- how often do you see that happen? He is a very smart, aggressive base runner who doesn't have much speed.

  9. Cub fan here.  His overall stats probably will never match that of 2005.  I know I'm going to get some thumbs down for saying this, I wish they traded him before this season started.  I think he is on the decline and could have brought some good players in return.  His defense is great and saved Ramirez a ton of errors.  Lou has got to move him out of the 3 hole.

  10. Sorry Cubsrock, hate to break it to you, but double plays are not just one stat. I mean, they are, but they are an important stat. Double plays are a rally killer, and it shows that he can't hit with runners on base. I would rather have a guy who can hit a bunch of singles and doubles with people on than a guy who hits a lot of homeruns but with no body on. He still is a good fielder, but yes, he's very overrated.

  11. I'll be completely honest with you....

    Derek Lee is a very very good player. A lot of people swear by Pujols, but Lee is a 5 tool player. He can hit for average, power, run, plays good defense....and has a good arm...

    Pujols is a fantastic power hitter and average hitter...hitting wise...he's the best first baseman in baseball...HANDS DOWN...he's slow as molasseses and he isn't nearly as good defensively.

    Joe Mauer his .347 or whatever to win the batting title...Lee had that mammoth year...what could you expect

  12. I like Lee, not overrated!

    he's a good player

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