Some call James Hansen (head of NASA GISS) one of the world's foremost climate scientists.
Others call him a "political hack" or "fascist";_ylt=Aij9luZzvHlRZ0gEclymgonsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080820151504AAhC2ny&show=7#profile-info-Zs3B6Lwbaa
Some facts:
In 1988 James Hansen made a global climate model which predicted that the planet would continue to warm. The model so far has proven to be highly accurate. Especially considering the technology available in 1988 and the amount climatology has advanced since then.
Hansen has also made some controversial statements, for example saying that the CEOs of oil companies who have purposefully run campaigns of misinformation about global warming should be tried in court.
Some have accused Hansen of taking political bribes, but these accusations have proven to be entirely unsubstantiated and false.
So what is your opinion of Dr. James Hansen, and why?