
What is your opinion of Globalization? Please do not get to political.?

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What is your opinion of Globalization? Please do not get to political.?




  1. Decode this lyrics " We are the world"

    Living "Under the same sun"

    With "Only one road"

    Passing by in time as time-traveller.

    In sharing and caring for one another.

    In solving the misery of living human kind out there.

    Reaching out and extend a helping hand .

    With "He's ain't heavy, he's my brother"

    In near and faraway land.

    For the good of mankind.

    In the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.

    Making "Heaven is a place on earth"

    To be a better place to live in time.

    So why don't we share and care for one another out there?

    To be mankind as the Son of God in time?

    With ' Love is in the air"

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  2. Globalization has its advantages and disadvantages it depends for a certain country to used it in a proper and useful manner that would result a positive outcome.

  3. Obviously a natural progression. What do you think about Socialism?

  4. olin h you are a fool.  Globalization is the main reason that the majority of poor people in China and India can now actually afford to eat.  I had an in dept conversation with a man who lived in China the majority of his life.  He told me that 30 years ago China had nearly the same starvation problem that North Korea has.  Now China's middle class is very prosperous.  Not to mention that by giving other under developed countries good jobs, they there are more people to buy our products.  Globalization is helping keep the American economy in slow grow thanks to companies diversifying their revenue.  Some American companies are reporting up to 70% of revenue from the global market.

  5. I think it is scary it is just going to make it so that the ultra rich rule more.   There are so many ways to divide the people in our own country, if you take that to a global level where people are less educated dividing the people will even be easier.  So idea that fair labor laws will progress out of globalization is ridicules.  Also we are somewhat on top and if we partner with latin America we are brought down to there level economically.  Our globalization will be quite different then then Europeans where a bunch of first world countries joined.  If I had a choice I would join the Euro before I joined PAN AMERICAN

    Fara I don't deny that it is inevitable and it has some advantages, I think there is a right way to go into it and wrong way to go into it.  If your a country on the bottom like china and India the free market is your best friend because nothing moves faster then when its hot and you can get that cheap labor. But if you are on the top I think it is completely different.  It would be much more sensible to take European approach with regulations and labor laws then a wild west approach that we seem to to be striding for.  

    What’s your last statement anyways some companies show 70% revenue gains that’s like a politician showing an old lady and saying see my plan helped her, it does not mean it is good for the majority.   Besides my arguments not about the companies that move to china and india, its about keeping a middle class in America.

  6. political?

  7. In its "ideal" sense, it would be nice (on paper) because if one area of the world is hit bad by famine, drought, hurricane, etc, then the rest of the world could be a good neighbor and react with aid.

    The reality of it is that since there are countries, and borders, and no singular monetary system or value system, it would be hard to implement. After all, who's going to feel bad that a terrorist nation has a drought ? Its been shown time and time again that even though aid has been sent to Africa, its been kind of sketchy in the past ...why ?...mainly because Aftrica doesn't have any rich resource that people around the world need. It is, in essense, a true charity mission.

    So until we change the minds of the under-educated and backwards living in the past terrorist nations, until we make violence unacceptable world wide to resolve problems, until we have some sort of common value or basis by which to keep connected ...along with eliminating or restricting dictator type personalities from rising to power like Hugo Chavez. We could never attain it.

    Its like trying to build a space you see any terrorist countries in that endeavour ? no...because it only take one bomb to destroy it, or crack the oxygen shield of a space colony. Man can only progress into the future as far as the lowest common denominator of human allows.

    Unless you like risking your life.

  8. Without political issues nothing to say about any international policies, and globalization is long term politics.

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