
What is your opinion of Hillary's chances of winning the nomination at this point?

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What is your opinion of Hillary's chances of winning the nomination at this point?




  1. Hillary helped herself some last night. Obama appeared

    rattled and confused. He was struggling for answers. And

    in his economics portion made NO sense at all. Hillary the

    same. She touted Bills BS record from the 90s as if she

    put it together,,, gave us her 35 year experience c**p again,

    at doing what, she doesn't even know,.. They both excused

    each other for lying there asses off, called it just politics.

    So dims if this is the best you got,,, stay home in November.

  2. If America  can afford to put up with more lies and weak and false foundations (that has been America's crumble) then don't  mind her being President so that America can  continue it's playing field in The White House.

  3. If she and Obama can not make up soon, then her chances are not too good.  Unless there is  a miracle that happens over the summer.  Maybe she can use the Olympics time as her advantage because the media will be covering the Olympics and the GOP will not be suspecting.

  4. No matter how this race gets spun or how many bloggers and pundits uplift her, Hillary's days are numbered. Now, it's just a matter of how weak the democratic Party will be once the primary season has ended.

  5. I am very perplexed at how this race has turned out.

    You have to keep in mind one thing:  Hillary didn't just wake up one day and, on a lark, decided to try running for President.  Insiders say she has been planning it since about midpoint of Bill's Presidency.

    She has dozens of advisors, staticians, political analysts, speech and body movement specialists, debate coaches, and on and on.  She literally has a small army.  And while she was in the White House, she used a lot of Federal resources to plot an eventual winning strategy to become President.

    I expected a totally polished, unbeatable Hillary.  I expected the political version of tennis superstar Martina Navratilova back in the 1990s, when playing her was a fruitless as hitting against a backboard.

    But Hillary, even with all her support, is still Hillary, and that's not enough.

    However, Hillary has one huge advantage:  she and Bill approach political office like engaging in a war.  She undoubtably has been digging up dirt on Obama since the day he announced his candidacy.  If there's anything at all, she's found it, and she's waiting for the right moment to spring it on the delegates to make them drop Obama.

    Nothing is too underhanded or slimy for Hillary.  She would do or say anything to beat Obama.  Right now, she's like a terrorist sleeper cell, and at the precise moment, she'll make her move.

    Mark my words:  Hillary Clinton has at least one ace up her sleeve.  What it is, I'm dying to know.

  6. Hussein Obama will get the nomination. but the Hillary's chances are very few.

  7. Even .............As long as Obama and his relatives and his preacher keep opening their mouths , and Hillary gets some rest and stops lying ..

  8. If Obama gets the nomination, then McCain will win.. The Republicans will pick the meat off his bones. With that said,

    the Dem's should think twice about who they elect to represent the party.   They will do the same to Clinton, but most of the meat on her bones has already been picked to pieces.

  9. In this election anything is possible.

    Here's how I like to explain my opinion of this election:

    Washington is handing out glasses of "Kool-Aid" mine is bitter, but has no hallucinigens (sp?), because I am aware that it is bitter.

    The Dems on the other hand have a more potent brew, and d@mn they're a THIRSTY bunch!

    Michael M - your comment about the Olympics gave me a thought. Maybe if Hillary was to say while her husband was in office she was an Olympic gold medal gymnast, that might help her campaign, or finish her off completely. LOL

    The sad thing is...there will still be people that will believe that. :(


    Obama will get the nomination, and then when you ask, "What is your opinion of Obama's chances of winning the Presidency at this point", my answer will be....LMAO! ROFL! ROFLMFAO!

  11. Answer: Slim and none...Short of Osama ( sp intentional) committing political Hari-Kari, which he has shown a perchance to do!

    With No real outstanding choice between the major parties, I had a nightmare in which Bob Barr from Georgia ran as the Libertarian candidate and drained votes from McCain, being as he is, in league with the socialists. The results were a disaster for America's republic!

  12. probably pretty slim but you never know the fat lady has`nt sung yet makes it interesting besides the longer it takes the deeper Hussein Obama sticks his foot deeper into his mouth

    by the times it`s near over Hussein Obama will be tying his laces out of his rear end  ,we are now beginning to see the real Hussein Obama just another lying politician that will say what ever is needed to win but he thinks all the slow bitter   christians and gun owners will forgive him but   I doubt it if they will forgive him , besides I`m pretty sure Rev Wright and Ayers have more to say to add coal on  Hussein Obama`s head.

  13. Bleeding this nomination process out hurts the both of them in the long run. Hillary is not going to step down without a fight. She has been planning this run since her husband left office, if not, even before! And Barack wants to push his Sociolist agenda through and change our government to a form that the Founding Fathers would frown apon.

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