
What is your opinion of Jesse Jackson's "slip-up" regarding Obama?

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After hearing it talked about all over the news today, I'm just wondering what everyone else's opinions are.




  1. I think Jesse has gotten rich by telling blacks how racist the US is and then shaking down US companies for money.  If they don't do as he says, he will brand them racist and they will loose billions.  Now, he is furious because a black man has a serious shot at the highest position in the land.  If racism was so widespread, Obama could have never taken out a Clinton.  Jesse is afraid his power days are over.

  2. i have very little respect for jackson anyway, so i'd say no opinion really.

  3. I heard the tape half a dozen times, I couldn't understand a word of it. But then I can't understand anything the old Rev says when he speaks at a normal tone. What the h**l language is that anyhow?

  4. Jackson, Sharpton, Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of their ilk are cartoon characters.

    I am a influenced by Jackson as I would be by Limbaugh: not at all.  They are all self-promoters who do what they do and say what they say for money.

    If you think any of them are actual smart people, you should guess again.

  5. I think it's funnier than h**l.  At last, someone from our black community is heard saying what a lot of us are thinking about Obama.  

    I've never had a great deal of use for Jesse Jackson, but I have to say "You go, Jesse".

  6. I think that Jessie should be supporting Obama and not attack him because Obama is correct. It is not just black men but the white men as well.  All men, black and white, should take responsibility for the children they bring into the world. Anyone who is a real man would agree and  be supporting of another black leader. There seems to be a lack of cohesiveness among the black ministers and the black leaders of the country. Children don't ask to be born and  If men don't want to be a dad they should use protection or visit the doctor and get snipped. Why should the mothers have to take all of the responsibility and why should a child be deprived of the necessities of life because of some selfish  pig. The child  comes into to the world innocent and helpless. He/ she deserves to have a good life. Be responsible or take responsibility.


  7. Nothing.Jackson's always been an extortionist and racial agitator.He turns on his own if they disagree with him.

  8. i think he should be forced to go on Imus tomorrow to publicly apologize.

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